
  1. W

    How many women were in abusive relationships in the years 2012 and 2013? I need

    exact statistics and the? source please and thank you.
  2. C

    Looking for a manga about a REAL abusive relationship. Not one where the

    girl hits te guy for a comic relief k? Hopefully a man being physically abusive to the woman and at the end she learns to leave him. Anytihing?
  3. T

    Reproductive Coercion Common In Abusive Relationships

    Adolescent girls and women should now be screened for reproductive coercion, a form of abuse that occurs when male partners sabotage their contraception intentionally. This form of abuse, known as reproductive coercion, can manifest in several ways, such as deliberately giving a partner a...
  4. H

    Lol... Is it abusive how i wake my brother up in the morning?

    So my mom leaves for work super early and I have to make sure my brothers are awake before I leave. One of my brothers wakes up super early everyday anyway. However, my other brother can't wake up to save his life. I have bought him alarm clocks, which he just unplugs. I have tried to put the...
  5. R

    What does it mean to dream that you are in an abusive relationship?

    Basically I met this guy who looked like the ex military guy from cheech n chong up in smoke, the crazy paranoid one, and I stayed a night at his house, the next day he was walking with me for some reason and had my bag, he asks if I want to stay over at his place, and I say sorry, so suddenly...
  6. B

    Why do you think some people get angry so easily and are verbally abusive?

    Why do you think some people are abusive and hot tempered to others? One of my relative always degrading his parents, always cussing at others who piss him off, and if something ticks him off, he'll keep cussing at them... Lots of times he goes out at night and comes home late morning.. and...
  7. R

    Abusive ex..

    /www.facebook.com/micah.ar <-- Hey who wants to spam this guy? Hes my ex. Who liked to beat the shit out of me. Also he has a child with me and would rather buy ciggs for his 15 year old GF then Help feed her. Hes also 23 btw. Oh and while im at it. Heres his number too.2164525400. Oh and lets...
  8. R

    Abusive ex..

    /www.facebook.com/micah.ar <-- Hey who wants to spam this guy? Hes my ex. Who liked to beat the shit out of me. Also he has a child with me and would rather buy ciggs for his 15 year old GF then Help feed her. Hes also 23 btw. Oh and while im at it. Heres his number too.2164525400. Oh and lets...
  9. T

    Research Reveals $6.9B Is The Annual Cost Of Violence After Women Leave Abusive Partn

    Even after women have separated from an abusive partner, the violence still costs Canadians an estimated $6.9 billion a year, according to research at the University of British Columbia. Led by UBC Nursing Prof. Colleen Varcoe, the study - published in a recent issue of Canadian Public Policy -...
  10. J

    Coming out of abusive gay relationship what now?

    I'm a guy and bi but had never been with a guy, when I was 22 I met this guy he was 20 and we really got on and I started developing feelings for him, he was actually tall and muscly lol and i was shorter and skinny when we met I was really popular and had lots of friends and was outgoing he was...
  11. A

    My friend is in an abusive relationship?

    My friend is in a verbally abusive relationship where the guy says horrible things to her, cheats on her all the time, and isolates her from friends and family. They have broken up multiple times, but she always goes back. This summer they broke up again, and we all thought it was for good. She...
  12. J

    when he jokes about his abusive behavior does this mean he didn't mean it?

    If your man jokes around while he playfully hits you. Holds you down, talks down to you, tells you not to say something, pushes you against the wall but then tells you he's joking is he really? Or does this mean there is an underlining issue
  13. I

    what legal steps my mom can take to get my abusive brother out of the house?

    my brother does not contribute to the household,my mom is 74 yo and retired.He is abusive when mom wont give him money.the police say she cant put him out because he has residence at her home.The stress is too much for my mom.
  14. V

    Do emotionally abusive people change in new relationships?

    My ex was emotionally abusive by not speaking to me (sulking) or ignoring me completely when I talked to him or blowing up about the littlest things. It took me a long time to see something wasn't right and I finally left. I'm really sad cause I loved him but realize people shouldn't be mean to...
  15. B

    I feel really depressed, I might be in a verbally abusive relationship, it's

    about 10pm. What can I do tonight? to occupy myself?
  16. B

    I feel really depressed, I might be in a verbally abusive relationship, it's

    about 10pm. What can I do tonight? to occupy myself?
  17. K

    Ok it seems i left an abusive relationship..how do you escape manipulation!?

    Hi If you have read my other question, it seems that being raged at, having your clothes thrown down the stairs and watching the man you love hit himself in the head DOES mean you are being abused! Oh dear, how did i get here!? I truely feel at a loss as what to do. I have moved out of his...
  18. D

    How many people each year are caught in an Abusive relationship?

    I need to know because I am doing a skit on possesive realtionship and my "Director" decided I needed some statics. Let me know kay? (NOTE: I am not looking for Possessive in this question.)
  19. T

    How do tough/strong women end up in abusive relationships?

    Why are the tough/strong women in abusive relationships, and people shocked when it happens? They are usually the first ones to fight and defend their friends against a man, but how do end up with abusive men?
  20. J

    Why do some people think Christian husbands are abusive?

    Or any christian men for that fact?