last night i was pulling out of my driveway and accidentally hit my neighbors car. I didnt back straight into it but i looked and say i left a small crack near the read left tire. the next day i look out my window and see she has returned and parked her car in the same position as it was the...
...took me a picture? i was trying to beat the yellow light but when i passed it it took me a picture but the car is under my fathers name is there any way i can fight it?
I accidentally formatted my 2GB micro SD card on my blackberry 9780, and I'm devastated. I just need the photos back.
Didn't save any new data on the card. Already tried programs like "card recovery pro", "stellar photo recovery" and neither one worked. Is the data beyond recovery? If not, is...
Yeah, I'm retarded... whatever. I tried restoring my laptop to earlier settings, but since the only date that was available for restoration was today, that wasn't very fucking helpful. What do?
Sorry. It's an Acer Aspire and it has windows 7
I deleted it and now it's asking me for my Download Save Data but I won't let me log in to my Facebook on it and I payed almost 100 bucks getting points and stuff >:( how do I get my thing back ? Help
There are some days when I wish I could go back, take a different turn in the road, throw away the birth control, take the chance at motherhood, open my heart to a baby’s love and become the person I always thought I would have time to be. More »
Anonymous Mom: I Wish I Had Accidentally Gotten...
Accidentally, the facebook data on my HTC SENSE got cleared or deleted and now it keeps showing the error message which is really annoying. How can I fix that?
I have a HTC Explorer btw.
i used "find my iphone" and i erased my iphone on there..but I guess i didnt realize it would reset the whole thing. now it wont even let me go to the home page.. it makes me like start all over, choose my language, my country, etc. But I have to use a wifi or plug it into itunes and I cant do...
Next in line at the great journalistic jungle buffet is Vice, which sent down two dudes to chat with paranoid/fugitive John McAfee and reprint his various insane thoughts. And more: they forgot to clear GPS data in an uploaded photo. More »
Hi there. I accidentally dropped my Motorola Razr V in the toilet this afternoon. It is working perfectly fine however I'm not sure what the ideal drying process is considering the phone has an internal battery and therefore cannot be taken apart. I have searched Google to no avail. Does anyone...
In school, I was eating with my class...and I accidentally spit a piece of carrot when my friend said something funny. It was just a small piece so I don't think anyone really notice...expect maybe my crush. Now I feel like an you think she was grossed out? she wasn't really eating...
I cannot reinstall it.? I have an iPhone 3GS with iOS 4.1. I accidentally uninstalled Viber and I cannot re-install it because it requires a newer iOS. Is there any way that I can download older versions of Viber?
I accidentally closed my microsoft account, an account. When I tried to recover by signing in from Hotmail, and change the password, it says the account doesn't exist!! However, I'm able to log in Windows Live messenger with this account and chat with my friends,, How to recover my...
Back in the go-go days of August 2008, when Man City had just become the big-spending richest club in the world and were still four years away from winning the Premier League title, the club was desperate to buy big-name players who could make an immediate impact. They ended up spending a...
While browsing torrents on the Pirate Bay, I right clicked on the GET THIS TORRENT button and accidentally blocked all torrent downloads with McAfee.
Now I can't download any torrents from that site unless there's a GET TORRENT FILE button, and a lot of them don't have that option.
So, how do...
I didn't know that once you had your iPhone 4 jailbroken you can't upgrade it to iOS 5 now I can't use it as a phone >_< my sim doesn't work anymore. Is there a way to downgrade the firmware?
I was just heating up some french fries and chicken nuggets (frozen from the store) and I accidentally used the broil setting on my oven. Will they still be good? Should I throw them away and start again? Sorry. I know nothing about cooking (if you can't tell by what I'm having, lol)
I was driving on a very busy university (college) street,
where the speed limits was about 40 at one place.
I got to the part of the street where it was leading to downtown
and has no street lights.
and it was about 7PM and dark by now,
so the only light illuminating and showing the way of a...
My son is 8 and half year and is a very good bright boy. He loves to play online games. We generally allow him to play thrice a week for a period of 35 to 40mts.Last day while he was download some games at home (While I was at work) he was surfed some link of advertisement like butt white smoke...
I've put E10 into a 2002 model Mazda 6, I'm worried that this slip up may cause problems for the car; as it is not mine. After filling up, the car was driven for another 1 hour or so. Will this cause problems? I haven't had any so far. Thanks for your time.