
  1. K

    What is the formal way to contact celebrities, singers or actors for business offers?

    I am conducting a research for a formal way to contact the business manager of certain celebrity, singer or actor for a business offer. I am not looking for fan pages or anything like that. I am searching solely for a way to find the email addresses of their business managers. Any ideas...
  2. J

    Actors & high end fashion brands?

    How do actors/celebs get attached to certain fashion brands? For example Steinfeld with Mui Mui & Rodarte with Blanchett. Do their agents suggest to wear certain brands or do the actors themselves just choose to wear these brands because they like the style? It seems actors are the "sponsorship"...
  3. B

    What is the 80's kid's show that ended with the actors opening windows and

    telling jokes? The actors were all behind a huge cardboard wall with fake windows...they would open them and tell jokes...does anyone remember the name of that tv show? Unfortunately it is not "You can't do that on Television" it was probably a PBS show, not on cable
  4. F

    What is the current style for actors head shots?

    I am getting new head shots soon which I would like to submit for film acting. I need to know what the current style is in terms of: -gloss -border -name placement also, if anyone had any additional advice for what makes a good head shot that would be appreciated too :)
  5. C

    How did these actors become movie stars?

    Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr., Harrison Ford, Steve Carell and Jim Carrey? I ask this because these are my favourite actors and I've a dream to become a successful actor like these guys.
  6. R

    Hottest classic hollywood actors?

    I would have to say Errol Flynn and Clark Gable, but definitely Errol Flynn. He is just so nice to look at.
  7. D

    how information technology impact on the state actors? what is the future of state?

    i need to do a presentation about this topic. i need help. thank you can anyone share me some specific links related to this issue. i need to do for my presentation. thank you!
  8. L

    Daniel Craig - Veering Away From Other James Bond Actors

    Daniel Craig must have been the luckiest actor in the world when he was granted the role of James Bond for the 21st installment of the biggest spy franchise in the history of box office. Before his biggest film role to date, he has already starred in a few smashing movies namely The Power of...
  9. R

    how can i meet and be friends with socilaites and actors in hollywood?

  10. A

    Any modern love movies with hot young actors?

    ive already seen things like the notebook, twilight, tristan & isolde, tuck everlasting, a walk to remember, and some im forgetting. Please only movies from the 2000's !!!! thanks and i would appreciate a large list (:
  11. C

    Any way i can find out where voice actors are doing meet and greets?

    I live in California, and there are many video game and anime expos around here, and i know voice actors do meet and greets at them. I really want to meet Ali Hillis, who plays lightning on final fantasy, but i don't know when and where she will be going to an expo this year. Any way i can find...
  12. B

    Why do so many Hollywood Actors seem to have to hide their sexuality...

    ...through 'Lavender Marriages'? It just seems really strange to me as a British actor that here in Britain many of our leading actors are outwardly gay- Ian McKellen, Alan Cummings, Stephen Fry, the late John Gielgud and even the American John Barrowman (who moved here to live with his husband...
  13. M

    Why do people always look up to actors or celebrities as super human?

    I've done it myself were I have consantly compared myself with actors or directors and people that were famous and looked at them saying that it's impossible be like them and have paparrazi chasing after them all the time. the way that they look in thinking that I'm ugly or comparing myself to...
  14. B

    In Pokemon, why did they change the voice actors?

    I saw somewhere the company fired the original voice actors, why did they fire them or put new actor voices in the Pokemon anime series?
  15. H

    Who are some good male actors in hollywood!?

    For a movie about a couple on the run! Someone similar to matt damon, brad pitt, tom cruise
  16. M

    What type of asian background actors does hollywood look for?

    Is there a certain feature or just the stereo typical asian with dark hair? I have light auburn/ orange-ish hair and I kinda don't want to dye it but will do it if i have to.
  17. N

    Survey: Can you list some of your favorite actors and actresses?

    Mine- Ewen McGregor James Caan Tilda Swinton Sean Penn Cate Blanchett Uma Thurnam Juliette Lewis Cameron Diaz Claire Danes John Goodman Quentin Crisp Toni Collette Amanda Plummer Penn Jilette
  18. C

    How many actors and actresses are having sex orgies in Hollywood?

    How many times a week are these people having sex orgies? This has been going on in hollywood for decades. No wonder they all look alike!
  19. M

    What actors and actresses have left Hollywood and fled to New York, Las...

    ...Vegas, Idaho, Utah, or other places...? And have taken other jobs and why have they done this and what are the reasons to avoid Hollywood altogether? What has fame done to certain actors and actresses? And should actors avoid Hollywood and either work in theater, independent films, or stay...
  20. A

    from where the actors of the martial arts based films choosen?

    i am not talking about rock or brad pit. I am talking about fims like tekken,doa,indisputed,tom yung goong, never back down,karate kid,ninja assasin,lap ninja..... The fighters of these films are realy good. From where are they choosen?