
  1. M

    Can I Use U torrent on my school computer? (It has has admin rights)?

    I downloaded it on my home computer. Can i use it on my school computer to install games.
  2. A

    Facebook admin question?

    so i would like to link instagram with facebook, but when i do it says it "no manageable facebook pages found" and i have tried looking it up and have reached a dead end as it seems i need to do something with the admin panel on my Facebook account yet i cannot find it on my page. please don't...
  3. D

    Right I admin a fanpage from my blackberry and when I try to post a link it posts

    from my personal page? How do I do it so it posts from the page not my personal page?
  4. A

    Password cracker that can crack admin password for Win 8?

    Alright so I forgot my password for my Windows 8 computer and I'm sure it's about 15 letters. I know most password crackers only go to about 14 but I really need to know if there is one that goes over that limit. Thanks.
  5. S

    i made a fb page but at the top it says admin panel and also edit page?

    and all the other stuff at the page what do i do to get that stuff off my page are do i only see it
  6. I

    is there a backdoor to facebook to avoid an admin block?....p.s im 28 and not trying

    to dodge schoolwork? if u know 1 please post a link
  7. W

    I didn't know the Obama Admin was into BDSM. What color leather does...

    ..."Special Master" over GM wear? So, you thought General Motors wasn't "owned" by the Federal government? Come on Libs, this is your big chance: it is not a FOX news source, this is CNN so you can't dodge it. Here we have a "Special...
  8. A

    How to get into my admin. Account on my emachine laptop without knowing the password?

    To actually get on the computer and it's only me an guest... No button that says password forgotten! What do I do
  9. S

    Any professional tips for a newbie IT admin?

    Hi, I just got my very first job as IT coordinator this week and I'm quite nervous about it as much as I am happy to get the position. Does anyone have useful, sensible and professional tips for me? Also, can anyone please suggest me good IT forums that I can be part of and ask, answer and...
  10. A

    I lost admin on vent, now what?

    Ventrilo is my life. Seriously, all I do nowadays is sit and play HoN with my internet-boyfriend. I lost admin, what should I do? PS. Going outdoors is OUT of the question.
  11. F

    Why did Bush Admin. say "Iraq war would pay for itself", and Cheney said...

    ..."Deficits Don't Matter"? In the December 13, 2002, briefing, deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz said that the "'the cost of the occupation, the cost for the military administration and providing for a provisional...
  12. C

    how 2 add myself again as ADMIN 2my own FACEBKgroup?I deleted myself saysno admins left in this? Actually i wanted 2 delete my own group.I read some where that deleting the group members GROUP gets deleted.. when i was up-to delete members.. I deleted myself mistakenly.. PLEASE HELP ME..THIS my group...
  13. C

    Help please,do you guys know any way to find out who's the admin of a

    facebook fan page? me and my friends had one and some b#!$* stole it and removed all of us, we all the admins knew each other and didn't do stranger admins, god knows how she stole it but we wan it back. do you know any way to find out who the admin is or to remove her? please please help :(
  14. G

    Infamous San Fran IT Admin Gets Four Years for Hijacking City's FiberWAN Network [Ter

    Terry Childs, the systems administrator made infamous back in July 2008 when he installed secret backdoor access to San Francisco's FiberWAN network and refused to give up the passwords, has finally been sentenced to serve four years in prison. More »
  15. T

    Is there a way to get someones ip on vent without being admin or having acess to

    rcon on the server? How would someone get an ip without being admin or rcon access.
  16. J

    how can i become an admin on graal online classic for iphone?

    hi just wondering how to become an admin or apply to be an admin on graal online classic iphone thanks
  17. K

    my hp dvd writer will not change back to reg-4. it tells me i don't have admin

    rights. what can i do.? i still have 4 changes left. it won't change or read
  18. B

    Does the withdraw of C.W Freeman from the Obama admin,signals a new age of...

    ...israeli terrorism against the USA? Does the israeli lobby control the usa now to the extent that they say who gets to work with Obama & who don't??!!! How can obama allow this dirty war against a good american person,by some israeli zionist terrorists who forced him to withdraw with dirty...
  19. J

    my brother keeps blocking me from the internet he's the admin how an i not let...

    ...him blok me? it's really annoying
  20. K

    Is there a way to update Internet Explorer without having admin rights?

    I have a very old version (6.0) at work and would love to update it so that I can have an easier time on some sites that keep updating. Thanks! PS. No, I can’t get the admin. logon, I’ve tried in the past and it doesn’t work. lol