
  1. T

    Failure To Adopt Health Reform Will Lead To 7,300 Premature Deaths In Arizona In The

    The failure to enact health reform this year will lead to approximately 7,300 premature deaths of people between 25 and 64 years old in Arizona in the next decade according to a report released today by the consumer health group Families USA. At the national level, the report, "Lives on the...
  2. T

    Failure To Adopt Health Reform Will Lead To 1,700 Premature Deaths In Connecticut In

    The failure to enact health reform this year will lead to approximately 1,700 premature deaths of people between 25 and 64 years old in Connecticut in the next decade according to a report released today by the consumer health group Families USA. At the national level the report, "Lives on the...
  3. T

    Failure To Adopt Health Reform Will Lead To 5,200 Premature Deaths In Missouri In The

    The failure to enact health reform this year will lead to approximately 5,200 premature deaths of people between 25 and 64 years old in Missouri in the next decade according to a report released today by the consumer health group Families USA. At the national level, the report, "Lives on the...
  4. T

    Failure To Adopt Health Reform Will Lead To 9,400 Premature Deaths In Illinois In The

    The failure to enact health reform this year will lead to approximately 9,400 premature deaths of people between 25 and 64 years old in Illinois in the next decade, according to a report released today by the consumer health group Families USA. At the national level, the report, "Lives on the...
  5. T

    could i adopt a huskie in march and train him/her to run alongside my bike

    for 874 miles over 10 days in july? lands end to john o groats in the uk (end to end) i think he/she would be capable of this im just concerned about the heat in july (id bring lots of water and we'd have plenty of breaks) and it being on road (i'd to train him/her to run along side my bike)...
  6. M

    Question about Adopt a highway?

    I live in Redwood City, CA. While driving yesterday I saw an Adopt A Highway sign that said A Random Act Of Kindness. I am almost sure it was on 280, I dont remember if it was N or S. but it was between Woodside and Alum Rock exit in San Jose. Anyone who doesnt live in the area, but knows a...
  7. H

    How can i adopt an animalk=..?

    How do i adopt an animal like an ornagutan when i live in egypt where there is no stupid postal service!! Can i recieve stuff online??
  8. A

    Where can I adopt a Yorkie or Toy Poodle?

    Please tell me if you have a price to adopt a dog between 100-400 dollars.
  9. D

    Adopt a dinosaur website?

    theres a website where you can adopt a dinosaur and then have people click the link to make it grow or something, does anyone know what the website is called? can you give me the link please.
  10. T

    How do you cope with all the ones you can't adopt?

    I am currently living with my boyfriend and three cats (two mine, one his) in a 1-bedroom duplex. There's no way we could afford the potential vet bills another cat would bring, we don't have much space, and my boyfriend is already starting to think I'm a crazy cat lady - but still, I want so...
  11. A

    Did Steve-o adopt a kid?

    I used to look at his blogs on myspace which led me to his site where I saw videos of him, you know all screwed up.. but one video he had said he adopted this kid and the kid was like seventeen I'd say and was holding hashbrownies. I was just wondering if it was a joke or what? Because I haven't...
  12. S

    Is it possible to adopt my little sisters?

    My mother went off with this boyfriend of hers and my father was left alone with them and he has been very neglectful of them. One of my sisters has Cystic Fibrosis and he's been smoking around her and he hasn't been attending to her medical care right. He just hasn't been paying much attention...
  13. L

    Do you think I should adopt this little guy? (Picture)?

    He's a peruvian guinea pig ( long hair when he's older ) Gingery brown and black with white on his lip :) He's 6 weeks old I think he's adorable but my dad's not so sure and said maybe I should find a black and white one because it'd be cuter, what do you think...
  14. C

    if u could go back in time an adopt a future celebrity who would u adopt?

    and raise. i would probably adopt lady gaga or katy perry
  15. T

    i am looking to adopt a pug puppy in illinois?

    i am willing to adopt or rescue a pug puppy around the chicago area, any breeders or any pugs in need of a home from a shelter you know of?
  16. D

    Should we adopt failed policies because the conservatives are complaining so much?

    Should we deregulate the banks and let the corporations ship our jobs overseas? Would that make the conservatives happy? You are wrong, Clinton issued a policy that let banks give out loans to low income citizens WITH REGULATIONS. Then Bush came and deregulated them. Get your facts straight...
  17. B

    what are the requirements to adopt a cat/kitten form a shelter?

    eg age etc
  18. B

    OLTL'S Marcie to adopt?

    Okay didn't they mention Marcie might adopt another baby? Anyone hear anything about that? I am confused because I haven't been watching but bits and pieces the last week or so.......
  19. S

    is it ok to adopt 1 cat?

    me and my boyfriend want to adopt a cat but he is slightly allergic so he only wants one. I've owned cats before but always 2 or 3 at a time so they had someone to play with and keep them company while the house is empty. I know cats are solitary animals but I always think that pets don't want...
  20. M

    I want to adopt a ferret how do I convince my dad?

    Okay so I have 300 dollers just for now and like My mom is supplying the food shampoo and stuff like that but I have to buy the cage! So I have to convince my dad...