
  1. S

    Two adults on a road trip...?

    Is there a book full of questions to pass the time and inspire conversation. Something like "mad libs", but with a little more thought. I kind of want this to be something that we will look back on later when we are in a rest home or a fall out shelter and say "Do you remember that question...
  2. B

    Teenagers/young adults: Is it scary to think about what our future will

    be like technology and media wise...? In the next 15-30 years?
  3. C

    is rsv contagious to adults?

    we found out yesterday that our 1yr old son has rsv. he is fine now and is perking up, we gave him some medicine to get his mucus to break up and a nebulizer to help him breath better and get rid of the rsv virus. he had this when he was 6 months old. any ways i was wondering if rsv is...
  4. M

    What's the best hand-held game console for adults? Gameboy? PSP? Other?

    Hi there! I've always wanted to by a handheld game console, but I've never been able to try one out (it seems only my friends' kids have them and I feel awkward asking LOL). I'm an adult who likes RPG, Adventure, and Brain Teaser games. Which system do you think is best for me? I'm not rich...
  5. R

    In a music therapy session involving adults who are suffering from...

    ...depression, the music therapist uses a? music songwriting activity so that clients can express their feelings about illness. At the beginning of therapy sessions, the therapist noted that the majority of the client’s lyrics to the songs were very sad and somber. Six months later, the music...
  6. C

    how do you deal with meeting an ex? Adults only respond please.?

    I've never met an ex before, but the one experience of an ex I had over the phone was very negative. I have no respect for my s/o's ex. In my opinion she is extremely unethical, immoral and takes no responsibility for her actions - a total deadbeat. Because she lives so far away, I've never...
  7. I

    what are all the effects of energy drinks on adults and children?

    i was wondering about what the effects are from energy drinks for adults and children but could u do me a favor and separate the effects on children and adults
  8. W

    How much does the average family of 4 (2 adults, 2 kids) spend on

    grocery shopping a month? I'm basing this on 2 kids under 6. I'm a pretty smart shopper but I want to see if I can find an average kinda ball park figure - just for info purposes really!
  9. M

    can two adults and a carseat fit in the cab of a 16 foot moving truck?

    I'm moving and i'm renting a 16 foot moving truck through budget. I am going to haul my car if possible. can 2 adults, and a carseat fit in the cab of the moving truck (the front part)? I know it may not be comfortable but does anyone know the dimensions of the cab in a truck this size?
  10. More for the adults........?

    One day Mom was cleaning her son's room and in the closet she found a bondage S+M magazine. This was highly upsetting for her. She hid the magazine until his father got home and showed it to him. He looked at it and handed it back to her without a word. She finally asked him, "Well what should...
  11. M

    Childhood cancer survivors. Do they tend to have emotional problems as adults?

    As if the cancer wasn't enough, it's sad to hear that they also tend to struggle with depression as anxiety as adults. Do you know of anyone like this? What is the reason for it?
  12. S

    Cheap holidays for 2 young male adults any suggestions people?

    im hoping to score and straight
  13. J

    Is there Adderall for adults with adhd?

    Is there anyone in this sight that has it and can tell me what they suffer with and the difference between them with the medicine and off the medicine
  14. B

    Adults complain about teenagers being lazy?

    But isn't it their fault anyway? Adults have such a low expectancy of us teenagers that it seems all they allow us to do is to be lazy. Adults get overjoyed when we do one extra chore without being asked. Just today i posted a question asking people what our youth group (ages 14 -17) could do...
  15. T

    Good websites for meeting other adults, preferrably couples, in their 30s?

    Something that is free? and that won't attract psychos? to find people to play games, go to movies, etc.
  16. G

    what are the actions of adults with Society Anxiety Disorder? like if they...

    ...are around a lot of people? i invited my guy friend to my bosses company party. there are going to be a lot of people there. he has Society Anxiety Disorder. what happens? like do they freak out (people with this disorder)? if he feels uncomfortable, what is going to happen?
  17. N

    rude joke adults only if you open don't complain you did it?

    Mike goes into an elevator, looks up and sees this great big huge guy standing next to him. The big guy sees the little guy staring at him, looks down and says, "7 feet tall, 350 lbs, 20 inch penis, testicles 3 lbs each, Turner Brown". Mike just faints dead away and falls to the floor. The...
  18. J

    what were the top 3 movies in adults only 20 to 1 most daring movies?

    i recorded the whole show and it cut off the top 3 so if anyone knows what movies they were it would be great
  19. S

    BMX bikes (20 inch), how to tell which are for kids or adults?

    i'm trying to find a good bmx bike, but i've been to the shop where one felt realllly uncomfortable and the other felt good, but they were both 20 inch i think. or is there a different size for adults? i'm not big or anything i weigh like 150.
  20. J

    Community Support for Adults with mild mental illness in Northern New Jersey?

    I need to know what kind of services there are for people that have mental illness in Northern New Jersey. I work as a community support worker in Boston for a private state-funded agency, and I have a caseload of clients who I visit 1x-2x per week and help them in maintaining appointments...