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    Specially Raised Mice Show Over-Produced Autism Gene Alters Synapses, Affects Learnin

    A gene linked to autism spectrum disorders that was manipulated in two lines of transgenic mice produced mature adults with irreversible deficits affecting either learning or social interaction. The findings, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, have implications for potential gene...
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    Proximity Of Fast-Food Restaurants To Schools Affects Black And Hispanic Students Mor

    When their schools are near fast-food restaurants, black and Hispanic adolescents are more likely to be overweight and receive less benefit from exercise than Asian or white students, according to a study published in the current issue of Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. The study...
  3. A

    How The Heat Affects Runners: Tips For Recalibrating Your Run For The Sun

    Before you hit the hot pavement, read up on how the heat affects running performance, speed and rehydration requirements. More » How The Heat Affects Runners: Tips For Recalibrating Your Run For The Sun is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food...
  4. S

    Does Vaping with any nicotine have any negative affects?

    I work at a PC shop and my boss has just stopped smoking using an eGo-T. He gets flavors like banana nut bread and vapes them without any nicotine. Are there any negative affects to just vaping for the flavor without any nicotine in it?
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    Father's Death Affects Early Adolescents' Futures In Developing World, Says MU Anthro

    A father's death can have long-term effects on a child's later success in life and can be particularly harmful if the father passes away during a child's late childhood or early adolescence, according to new research by a University of Missouri anthropologist. Recognizing the impact that a...
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    How Sadness Affects Your Finances

    Your emotions can certainly impact your decisions, but you might be surprised by the extent to which your emotions affect your pocketbook. New research from psychological scientist Jennifer Lerner of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and colleagues Yi Le and Elke U. Weber of Columbia...
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    In Hamster Model, Fluoxetine Increases Aggressive Behavior, Affects Brain Development

    Fluoxetine was the first drug approved by the FDA for major depressive disorder (MDD) in children and adolescents, and to this date, it remains one of only two selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) registered for treatment of MDD in children and adolescents, despite reports that...
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    Hearing loss affects more Americans, problem growing

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  9. R

    Is it the actual smoking or the nicotine that affects erection?

    I recently switched to an electronic cigarette to avoid the smoke from cigarettes, and I've heard smoking affects erections in men. Is it just the smoking that does it or is it the nicotine as well? I'm eventually going to wean myself off of nicotine over time, but I was wondering the effect it...
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    Insufficient Sleep Affects 30% Of US Workers

    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 30% of the nation's workers are sleeping under 6 hours a day, which is less than the 7 to 9 hours that the National Sleep Foundation recommends for healthy adults. To assess the prevalence of insufficient sleep among US...
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    Exposure To BPA In Early Life Affects Adult Learning

    In testing the effects of the controversial chemical bisphenol A (BPA) on zebrafish, UWM scientist Daniel Weber found himself in familiar territory. The results he observed were similar to those he'd seen when exposing the fish to mercury during their early development - profound behavioral...
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    Global Warming Affects Albatross Ecology

    At the moment, the Wandering Albatross of the Southern Ocean is getting a free ride; Changes in wind patterns due to Global Warming seem to enhance the efficiency of foraging of this pelagic bird. However, as Global Warming continues, this rare case of a positive benefit of anthropocentric...
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    Facebook Use Affects Mood Differently To Stress And Relaxation

    Researchers measured people's physical and psychological responses while they used Facebook, performed a stressful task, or just relaxed, and found each of these activities appears to have a different effect on mood and arousal. Dr. Maurizio Mauri of the Institute of Human, Language and...
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    Abnormal Brain Structure In Both Siblings - Addiction Only Affects One

    A study conducted by Dr. Karen Ersche, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, England, and published in Science, reveals that one sibling who is addicted to drugs, and the other who is not, have similar brain abnormalities. These abnormalities come from an area of the brain that is...
  15. E

    even though my bitch has been spayed can she still have some side affects

    of being in season? her bitch part seems to be swolen and wondered if her sudden aggression could be because its mating season even tho she been spayed for years
  16. S

    Am I experiencing side affects from Woman's Ab Cut pills by GNC?

    So I have started to take Ab Cut pills by GNC about a week ago. It is basically a fat burner and claims to reduce stress and body fat from building. But lately about two hours or so after I take the 2 pills as directed with each main meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) I've been experiencing...
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    Poverty-Related Stress Affects Readiness For School

    Stress in the lives of poor children is one cause of the early achievement gap in which children from low-income homes start school behind their more advantaged classmates. That's the finding from a new study by scientists at Pennsylvania State University, New York University, and the University...
  18. K

    What affects have YOU felt from using liquid fish oil ?

    just curious... ive been using liquid fish for a few months and havent really felt any changes... I already had a good diet and life style.. >> im curious of people who came from bad diets, unhealthy life styles.. who started using it.. did you feel much different ?
  19. M

    I quit smoking three days ago..side affects or in my head?

    I smoked for 3 years. I quit smoking this past sunday afternoon. That was the last time I smoked. Tomorrow will be day four. I feel really, really great. Like I already feel better. I feel like I have more energy and patience and am in a better mood. I still have the urge to smoke though. If it...
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    Don't make those turkey burgers yet: Massive turkey recall affects millions

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