
  1. X

    How come my African Grey Congo's feathers are soft?

    His feathers are sorta messed up. His bottom white feathers sometimes go through the dark feathers from the outside. When I pet him his head and everything feels soft, his feathers are always soft-like. Not the wings, I mean the bottom feathers, and the head and the chest-area. By the way, its a...
  2. C

    styling hair using bobby pins african american hair?

    tightly band them , and hav 2 or more flicks
  3. Q

    African butterfly fish rejecting crickets!?

    Yesterday i tried to feed a cricket to my African butterfly but it ended up killing it and leaving it. So today i left it to starve for about a day then dropped a cricket into the tank again. Once again it killed the cricket chewed it half way and spat it out.... What should i do? and how often...
  4. H

    Are there any diseases that may be caught from african grey parrots?

    Some times my african grey parrot sneezes so i want to know if there is a virus and if I can get it from him
  5. F

    Is this a suitable 40 gallon african cichlid tank?

    2 Demasoni 3 Electric yellows (2 females, one male) 3 Red Jewels (2 female, 1 male) 3 Peacocks Am I overstocked? Understocked? I heard that crowding is good with Africans, is this enough or too much, if not enough, I would like some suggestions on other compatible species. If these are not...
  6. R

    How well do you think you know African and Mid-Eastern Geography?

    You'll have fun giving this a shot. How well did you do? Thanks to Arnie Handschke
  7. L

    Rottweiler puppy names in spanish or African?

    Just like Kimba,Simba
  8. 1

    can i mix a 2.5" jack dempsey with my 6" african ghost knife fish?

    the tank is 55 gallons, and it has filter, etc. will they get along?, i was gonna put a green terror with my african ghost knife fish, and people told me yes, go ahead, but then i also had read that some greeen terrors are so violent, they attack humans, and ignore the tinfoil barbs, so i got...
  9. 1

    is this okay for my african ghost brown knife fish?

    so i went to petsmart and bought a GRAY ONE, not the black one because they told me it was gonna grow huge, and when i opened the bag in my tank, he started to swim on all of the sides of the 55 gallon tank like my dither fish, is this okay for him?, is it a sign that he is not feeling good?, i...
  10. Y

    What to know about setting up african cichlid fish tank?

    ok so im setting up a new fish tank - 46 gal bow front aquarium and i definitely want some african cichlids what is some info i need to know about the setup and all - gonna use gravel and real rocks i just need to know more and also what other fish can i have with them?? - also the tank im...
  11. I

    On imagine fashion designer on my nintendo ds, how do you get past the african... style thing? i don't know how to get passed it!! help please!!! thanks =]
  12. Y

    What to know about setting up african cichlid fish tank?

    ok so im setting up a new fish tank - 46 gal bow front aquarium and i definitely want some african cichlids what is some info i need to know about the setup and all - gonna use gravel and real rocks i just need to know more and also what other fish can i have with them?? - also the tank im...
  13. C

    Who is Sheika El- Miskery? she's an East African poet?

    Guys pls help me coz i cant find her here on net. I need her short and brief biography :(
  14. L

    how to train african grey parrot to stop screaming and stop be afraid from people...

    ...and hold him safely and how? i bring it new from two weeks ago and i want to train all things i can do
  15. A

    Can I take a trip to Darfur to help the african people?

    I saw that many people have taken trips to talk to the people and help out and want to know if there are trips there this summer.
  16. S

    what was the journey like for African slaves on boats?

    how was the journey like for slaves being kept on boats and being travelled across the atlantic from africa, to anywhere, for labor or slave work? best answer with sources get 10 points.
  17. C

    PH Level for African fish?

    Is it 7.4?
  18. D

    Do u therefore agree African Americans musn't all complain about freedom?

    by this I mean African americans have had one of the best benefits, standards of living...than even their counterparts in Africa who were more affected from slavery.(suffering children without homes, this is why I say most african americans have received their share, it is left for...
  19. H

    Why does the public complain when celebrities adopt African children?

    but not when they adopt Asian or any other race.. When they adopt Asian or non African children no one even cares. But if it is an African child the public complains that the stars are only doing it cause it is "charitable" or "in style." Why can't they just be adopting a child for the sake of...
  20. J

    Bottom feeder for african cichlids?

    Hi i have 5 electric blues and 3 kadango's in my 161 Litre 3ft tank and when i feed them i see little bits of food falling to the bottom and they dont pick it up. I want to know some Bottom feeders that will eat all the leftover cichlid food so i dont have to gravel clean so often, i have two...