
  1. A

    the night the animals talked?

    Good day mans! Maybe it knows something. Where is download song the night the animals talked it is Childrens Books
  2. B

    Do you think the Christian God wants us to be vegetarian, including animals?

    I am no vegetarian and never plan to be one... but one of my college seminars brought up this point and so I was just wondering of your opinions and why thanks!
  3. H

    what were the 2 most important animals introduced into the colonies by europeans?

    i know horses is the top but what other would you consider to be as important? 1. Horses 2.?
  4. H

    Why do the wild life animals pass back and fourth looking at you while your at the...

    ...zoo? I will look at them with many other people when the animals behind thick glass and they will pass back and fourth. Why? I get nervous when I see them can they sense fear?
  5. M

    Do animals go to heaven? christian only please?

    my baby rabbit died today am very depressed, i wonder where is she now, she was so unique to us. can i pray to God for her soul?
  6. G

    Why animals should keep in zoo for human recreation?? Are we God of them?

    Why animals should keep in zoo for human recreation?? Are we God of them??
  7. G

    Why animals should keep in zoo for human recreation?? Are we God of them?

    Why animals should keep in zoo for human recreation?? Are we God of them??
  8. A

    what animals can i raise for ffa?

    I really want to do FFA this year for school. I live in ocala florida and want to know a list of animals i can raise that are allowed . i also heard that ducks are not allowed? So i decided to do a japanese silky chicken , are they allowed?
  9. T

    Monitored Mealtimes Enable Identification Of Sick Animals In Herd

    Electronic ear tags are being used to provide an early warning system that will help farmers identify sick animals within a herd. The new system, being trialled by scientists at Newcastle University, tracks the feeding behaviour of each individual animal, alerting farmers to any change that...
  10. T

    Genome Editing, A Next Step In Genetic Therapy, Corrects Hemophilia In Animals

    Using an innovative gene therapy technique called genome editing that hones in on the precise location of mutated DNA, scientists have treated the blood clotting disorder hemophilia in mice. This is the first time that genome editing, which precisely targets and repairs a genetic defect, has...
  11. C

    Conservatives, why are you against letting americans treat animals like they do in...

    ...china? Look at chinas? economy? they save time and money worrying more about business and business interests than they do worthless animals. why don't we make laws like cruelty to coal or nuclear waste? i see animals as simply a resource, and not worthy as being deemed considerable life...
  12. C

    Christians, what makes you think animals won't be given an afterlife after so...

    ...many humans have prayed for it? What if a group comes before christ and prays for all animals, all living things to receive an afterlife like us humans? Why wouldn't god give animals an afterlife even after so many have prayed for it to come true?
  13. H

    do animals laugh like humans?

    do animals laugh?
  14. S

    I am interested in having a career with animals, could i make a nocturnal zoo *lol*?

    I just thought that would be pretty amazing. It could have all the animals that are always sleeping when you go there, so when you go theyll all be active and it would be fun. The zoo would be strictly for nocturnal animals and would be open at night only. Would that be possible? Thoughts on this?
  15. L

    What does it mean to dream of killing animals?

    Not the first time this has happened...I might've asked a question on this before. I don't remember much because it's one of those dreams where I vaguely remember it after being up for a while. I do remember there were a set of regulations or rules we had to follow (in a game or whatever we...
  16. B

    What do you think of the trend toward breeding "mini" animals?

    I have seen mini pigs, mini horses and on the news this morning there were mini cows.
  17. S

    Yvonne Vera's Why don't you carve other animals theme?

    this short story is about the carver and the painter. can anyone tell me the theme behind this story?
  18. L

    what are the prohibited food or animals to eat in abrahamic religions

    (judaism,christianity,islam)? in each or in all of the above religions
  19. B

    Whats good movies that are scary that have to do with the woods and animals or

    things hunting them down ? or somthing like that? or scary films that u recommend
  20. G

    What Animes have a lot of animals in them?

    I haven't been in the anime scene for a few years now but want to peek back at it to see the changes/old stuff. I really want to see more of the animal based shows (Jewel Pet, Sugarbunnies, Zoids, Wolf's Rain, Kimba the White Lion, etc.) but don't know what's out there as of the moment. Any...