
  1. Z

    What anxiety medicines are safe to take when you have asthma?

    Something that won't give you shortness of breath or anything like that. Thanks!
  2. M

    can high stress and anxiety significantly deteriorate diabetes condition?

    I have noted this to be true in my situation. My work and its environment at times would be very very stressful and my sugar level would be running high during this situation.
  3. G

    what are the actions of adults with Society Anxiety Disorder? like if they...

    ...are around a lot of people? i invited my guy friend to my bosses company party. there are going to be a lot of people there. he has Society Anxiety Disorder. what happens? like do they freak out (people with this disorder)? if he feels uncomfortable, what is going to happen?
  4. O

    Does Serendyn really work to aliviate anxiety and panic disorder?

    Iv been looking for a Natural Supplements to help alleviate anxiety and Panic disorder, and I heard that this is a Natural Supplement to significantly alleviate Anxiety and Panic attacks. Has anyone taken Serendyn? Does it really work?
  5. A

    Anxiety disorders/xanax?

    My shrink had me on Xanax for my entire pregnancy and a few months prior to that.. It has seemed to help with my Panic Attacks i was ok and able to maintain with my children... Now she doesnt accept my insurance, and told me she couldnt see me no more after a year! So I go to my primary doctor...
  6. A

    Anxiety Attack Problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!?

    I am a 16 year old girl and i have a problem with anxiety attacks. The first time i had one was when i was a freshman in high school in health class. We were watching a video on Eating disorders, and i all of a sudden had anxiety attack.The school did not know what was wrong with me (neither...
  7. B

    Anxiety over Future Relationships?

    Hi need some advice. Im 32 years old, professional, educated, and never had a boyfriend. I was too shy, overweight, didn't feel good about myself. And not that i lost a tonne of weight, people are starting to set me up with guys, including family, who hope it will turn into marriage. It was ok...
  8. J

    who knows about social anxiety ?

    what could happend in the future of someone who have cronic social anxiety ? like for xmple someone whos is living in isolation for 6 years seens 15 years old to 21 like he is gonna end up like garbage or what ?
  9. D

    Teenager with an anxiety problem?

    I have been diagnosed with a GAD type thing as well as hypochondria. I have a lot of mucus in my throat as well as a cough, my doctor says it can be cause by my anxiety. I also am short of breath at times and am dizzy when I get in stressful sitchuations. I go to a natural doctor and he...
  10. I

    i have social anxiety when it comes to work.. ?

    i feel good about recreational activities with my peers...? is it okay..? should i hate myself for wanting or resorting to working at home or at a less sophisticated job because of it.. try something other than zoloft. ivi qe went out and did my fears in the past... uit after a week... i'm...
  11. A

    My 3 month old Doxie has seperation anxiety from me! He will whine if I leave

    even when others are at home.? If I go somewhere and my kids and hubby are home, he still whines for me. They will try to distract him but it does not last for long and they cant play with him the whole time I am gone. What is the best thing to do? Last night hubby just had to put him in his...
  12. A

    Does anyone know what medication is good for anxiety?

    Paxil did not work for me
  13. W

    Consoling a baby with separation anxiety?

    I have an 11 month old I take care of, and she has horrible separation anxiety. My daughter went through this, but I was never on the receiving end. I've tried everything I can possibly think of to calm this child, but she is a fighter and refuses to do anything but scream her head off. I...
  14. H

    Are shaky hands/ muscle twitches part of Anxiety disorders?

    I have an anxiety disorder, and because of that, i am a bit of a hypochondriac....i was just wondering my hands are kind of shaky or trembling, and it gets worse when i get nervous..... also, i sometimes have muscle twitch's that last about 3 or 4 seconds usually in my back.....they have...