
  1. V

    Razor Blade in Burger King Food Causes Yolanda Orozco to Lose Appetite

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  2. A

    How To Replace Emotional Eating With A Healthy Appetite

    Well+Good NYC shares tips from a psychologist about how to end emotional eating. More »Post from: Blisstree
  3. M

    loss of appetite loseing weight, no interest in food?

    the last 5 days all ive eaten are two tacos and some soup? when i try to eat more my stomach feels like its going to burst? this isn't like me i usually eat 1-2 big meals a day and i was at a healthy weight last time i checked?
  4. Z

    Very low appetite - mal nutrition?

    I've been not so great mentally lately and my appetite's been very low. I'm already overweight, but right now I have no appetite at all. I'll maybe eat a banana and a granola bar a day, and that's all I want. So, my concerncers are: Getting malnourished and having people think I'm anorexic. I'm...
  5. Z

    Very low appetite - mal nutrition?

    I've been not so great mentally lately and my appetite's been very low. I'm already overweight, but right now I have no appetite at all. I'll maybe eat a banana and a granola bar a day, and that's all I want. So, my concerncers are: Getting malnourished and having people think I'm anorexic. I'm...
  6. T

    Pilot Study Curbs Appetite Of People With Prader-Willi Syndrome, Australia

    Australian researchers have done a promising pilot study on a small group of people with the harrowing genetic disorder known as 'Prader-Willi Syndrome', using a drug already prescribed for some patients with Type 2 diabetes. Roughly one in 25,000 babies are born with Prader-Willi Syndrome...
  7. R

    whats a good appetite suppresant you can buy when you are 15?

    I dont think any of the pills work all that well, but I have noticed that Monster energy drink cuts my appetite pretty well for some reason. If you drink the low carb kind, it would probably help you be less hungry and be more energetic so you will lose weight. I lost 5 lbs and I dont even...
  8. I

    While Eating Have You Ever Lost Your Appetite... Because You Saw

    Something Gross And Went Like "Ugghhh" LOL:P? I have... i was eating lasagna and i was watching face off... and it got to the part where you could see his face offings:P
  9. E

    Appetite suppressant bought in stores?

    I need to suppress my appetite because its causing me to eat a lot. The natural things such as drinking water, eating more fiber, etc don't work. Water goes right through me and fiber doesn't do anything I get hungry again in less than an hour. I was wondering if there are any good brands of...
  10. S

    Weight gain but on appetite on citalopram?

    I have been taking citalopram antidepressants for 7 days and have no appetite but I have gained 4lbs!!! Why would this be? I have most of the other side effects, dry mouth, drowsy, dilated pupils. I am still eating but not as much as I usually eat! :(
  11. B

    Is it normal at 28 weeks pregnant to have no appetite and no interest in sex...?

    I just wonder if anyone has like lost their appetite while pregnant? I always heard the saying your eatting for 2 so i always thought you would always be like hungrier,but for the last few weeks im hardly hungry. I been eatting cause i know i have to but i just havent been hungry. Im a bigger...
  12. T

    Appetite Hormones May Predict Weight Regain After Dieting

    Many people have experienced the frustration that comes with regaining weight that was lost from dieting. According to a new study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM), the levels of appetite hormones in the body prior to...
  13. V

    GNC ACS (Appetite Control Support) pill age?

    Hello, Now, before you make any judgements, I'm a male, and I'm not looking to use these pills for myself. Recently, my mom has run low on her amount, and I wanted to go out and buy her some more, but alas, I'm only 16. My question is; Is there an age restriction to purchase these pills...
  14. K

    Appetite and Cigarette Smoking?

    my friend just stared smoking like 2 weeks ago cause she thinks shes so cool. but i have some questions. does cigarettes turn u lips a darker shade instead of pink? does it cut ur appetite so u dont feel like eating?cause i noticed that her lips are a darker shade than it it used to be. and she...
  15. K

    Appetite and Cigarette Smoking?

    my friend just stared smoking like 2 weeks ago cause she thinks shes so cool. but i have some questions. does cigarettes turn u lips a darker shade instead of pink? does it cut ur appetite so u dont feel like eating?cause i noticed that her lips are a darker shade than it it used to be. and she...
  16. K

    Appetite and Cigarette Smoking?

    my friend just stared smoking like 2 weeks ago cause she thinks shes so cool. but i have some questions. does cigarettes turn u lips a darker shade instead of pink? does it cut ur appetite so u dont feel like eating?cause i noticed that her lips are a darker shade than it it used to be. and she...
  17. A

    I'm going on a cruise next week and I've lost my appetite??!?

    My friend, Brian, (but I also really like him) just lost his dad last Thursday.. and he is only 16. Ever since the Friday I have lost my appetite. I haven't been hungry much at all and when I have its cured by a very small meal and I still have this full kinda stomach feeling. I haven't seen...
  18. T

    Can I take nicotine gum if I don't smoke? // How to suppress appetite?

    you know the gum nicorette... will it help me suppress my appetite? i have never smoked in my life... will i become addicted to the gum? are there any negative side effects of the gum? i know i can drink water to get full too instead of eat food... but for some reason when i'm hungry, water...
  19. T

    To Eat Or Not To Eat? New Study On Appetite Stimulants For Hibernating Marmots Could

    A nutrient that's common to all living things can make hibernating marmots hungry - a breakthrough that could help scientists understand human obesity and eating disorders, according to a new study by a Colorado State University biologist. The study appears in the current issue of the Journal of...
  20. M

    PLEASE: Is there ANY good (and safe) appetite supressants I can buy at GNC etc.?

    I have an uncontrollable appetite and can't seem to stop being hungry. I'm starving again after just 2 short hours after eating dinner at night. I need to lose 70 lbs.and I'm desperate. I'm wishing I could find something that works right at GNC (that's the only health/vitamins store I know of...