
  1. E

    Breaking news: Chris Brown arrested for assult?

    Here is footage of Chris Brown being arrested by LAPD for assulting Rihanna
  2. N

    IF there's a huge mob in front of the White House, would people get arrested?

    Let's say no one gets hurt or killed.
  3. O

    Republicans had Cindy Sheehan arrested* for an anti-war T-Shirt but whine about

    free speech**. Why ? * in congress no less....**re: the fairness doctrine Son of Liberty...typed in Cindy Sheehan tshirt+ arrest and this is the first linkm that popped's common knowledge mnwomen...she was INVITED to the State of the...
  4. T

    Will I get arrested for getting mad at a singer or celeb over internet?

    Okay so I got really mad at a wrapper dude for making fun of someone I really like...can I accuse them over the internet or over yahoo with out getting arrested? I mean he did! X-(
  5. A

    Should anyone that conspires against Roland Burris be arrested immediately?

    Should anyone that conspires against Roland Burris be arrested immediately? Including the President Elect? Nobody has any legal authority to not permit Roland Burris to be seated in the Senate. He is an honorable person and anyone that intends to impede him becoming Senator is either doing it...
  6. A

    What were the cast members on Arrested Development paid per episode?

    Does anyone know how much the cast members on Arrested Development were paid per episode? Even ballpark figures or averages would be very helpful. Thanks
  7. S

    Since the Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested for conspiring to sell...

    ...Barack Obama's senate seat? How much of a cut was Barack getting?
  8. S

    Can you be arrested while out cycling on your Bike?

    Say you been arrested while you are out cycling on your bike what do the cops do with your bike is it left on the side of the road? Also if you are in just a pair of bike shorts would they still pat you down?
  9. G

    When Will George Bush Be Arrested?

    There is a mountain of evidence, including squibbs coming out of the WTC towers that show they were blown up. George Bush's brother, Marvin Bush, was in charge of security by contract through 9/11! So the citizens of this country need to arrest George Bush for murder and treason, as he...
  10. P

    Can impersonating a celebrity on Yahoo answers get you arrested?

    Like lets say someone went to the American football section on yahoo answers and made an account named Tom Brady and made a yahoo answers avatar with brown hair, blue eyes just to emulate the look of Tom Brady. Then he answered question in a humorous manner, making people laugh and such. Could...
  11. S

    If i work at one taco bell, can i work for another one, arrested at other, but...

    ...not on record? if there is a different person thats above the GM I got HYTA so the felony isn't on my record
  12. S

    Did J3T from Hollywood Undead get arrested recently?

    Just curious...I wanted to see them at the Jannus Landing in February and was curious if he'd be there.:p Thanx!
  13. S

    If you are arrested in a pair of bike shorts do you have a choice to change

    your clothes? So if you are arrested while wearing only bike shorts are you allowed to change your clothes or do you get taken to jail as is?
  14. S

    If you are arrested in bike shorts do you get a pat down?

    If you are arrested in a pair of bike shorts do the police pat you down?
  15. C

    16yrs walmrt.quit 2wks b4 xmas due 2 being arrested. what do i tell...

    ...future employers as 2 why I quit? I was arrested for finding money in a buggy at another walmart when it was my day off. The person came back looking for their money, got with walmart , they looked at video..this was a walmart my husband worked for not the one i worked for. they saw it was me...
  16. P

    I have a bench warrant, case is lying to a police officer, can i get arrested if

    i travel internationally? i didn't show up to court for my case about lying to a police officer, im going to be traveling next month can i get arrested when i travel?