
  1. W

    Iran's impolite Ahmadinejad asks world powers to be polite, can you believe this guy?

    Iran's Ahmadinejad asks world powers to be 'polite' by AFP Staff Writers Tehran (AFP) Feb 5, 2009 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad asked world powers on Thursday to be "polite" in dealing with Tehran, a day after diplomats from six countries met to discuss the nuclear standoff. "Bullying...
  2. M

    A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a

    shotgun and points it at him.? ...... The man says, thank you and leaves.. why? i will post the answer in 10 minutes. :) stars are appreciated.. Yep, he had the hiccups and the gun scared him and got rid of them
  3. M

    Consumer Reports poll asks: Should Obama make time for work or wife on Valentine's Da

    Consumer Reports poll asks: Should Obama make time for work or wife on Valentine's Day? Americans are split on whether Barack Obama should focus his attention on the professional or the personal this Valentine's Day, according to a Consumer Reports poll to be released Monday. Nearly...
  4. N

    UN asks Why Hamas kills children in Gaza?

    The United Nations starts the investigation on Hamas's use of children as human shields . The investigation will focus on the terrorist group's use of children during the recent Cast Lead operation in Gaza. While the UN must conduct an investigation before reaching any conclusions, it is...
  5. E

    If someone has an avatar of your worst celeb. and that same person asks a

    question, will you still answer? like e.g, if you hate tupac and they have a tupac avatar, then they ask a q, will you still answer it
  6. S

    if a guy asks for money after only 3 wks of internet and phone chatting, is that

    a bad sign? and says i love you, and i want you to move in with me .
  7. N

    when a recipe for a frosting asks for HEAVY CREAM can i use artificial whipped...

    ...cream instead? you dont get fresh cream in bangladesh you just get sterilized cream
  8. M

    If I have the D2CKey chip for an NTSC Wii, however an NTSC game asks me to update

    the console. Shall I update? The game is Super Smash Bros Brawl. I know I mustn't update if the game is PAL, however the game is NTSC.
  9. J

    when your future children asks you why are there no fish? what will you tell them? ?

    Because of over fishing and pollution, that is going on right now !!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. B

    iphone 3G asks for a password?

    when i try to download an application on my new iphone, it asks for a password. where can i find this password or how can i stop it from asking for one? please help getting very angry with my lovely phone!
  11. K

    My car vibrates, putters and asks like it wants to stay on after i cut

    off, what could be wrong with it? Its a 2003 Mitsubishi dimante automatic v-6 with no previous problems, it has about 60,000 miles on it. if need more in fo jus ask.
  12. S

    Is it inappropriate to drop my pants at the H2 dealership when she asks if I want... test drive her hummer? I mean you have to try it before you buy it right?
  13. T

    The same guy as last time asks me to give him my friend phone number I say...!But he calls me again today .? Today he asked me for it I friend can't stand him.I hope he's not using me to get to her.
  14. C

    theres this girl i like what does it mean when she asks things like this?

    there is this girl i really really like i think she mite like me to but she does have a boyfriend. she smiles and laughs when we talk, she twirls her hair nd stuff, weve been out ice skating nd held hands for a bit, she says im nice, nd shes gives me a tight hug nd kiss on the cheek when a drop...