
  1. C

    Motorola Backflip Android 2.1 question?

    Now that the Moto Backflip is finnally getting its android 2.1 update in a few days i have a few question `1) will i be able to tether my phone to my computer and use it as a wireless internet source? 2) will the phone be open-sourced and let me install 3rd party apps? 3) will the upgrade boost...
  2. C

    Can I send a rooted Motorola Backflip?

    Okay my backflip is rooted but there is like this weird little smudge in the screen i believe its permanent... I sat on it once and its been there ever since, but i was wondering since i have insurance on my phone plan, could i send this back to AT&T? I know rooting voids WARRANTY, but this is...
  3. E

    why does my motorola backflip touch pad not work?

    this phone has another touch pad on back of the screen when the phone is flipped out. I just go the phone and it happened to me about a couple of months later. Did it get disabled or is it broken? note that nothing else is wrong with the phone. i might have dropped it the only think broken is...
  4. A

    How can i buy Media / Ringtones on My Motorola backflip?

    I hav been looking around for the media net on my backflip and cant find it. I really would like to buy ringtones off my phone! Please help!!
  5. A

    How can i buy Media / Ringtones on My Motorola backflip?

    I hav been looking around for the media net on my backflip and cant find it. I really would like to buy ringtones off my phone! Please help!!
  6. A

    How can i buy Media / Ringtones on My Motorola backflip?

    I hav been looking around for the media net on my backflip and cant find it. I really would like to buy ringtones off my phone! Please help!!
  7. A

    How can i buy Media / Ringtones on My Motorola backflip?

    I hav been looking around for the media net on my backflip and cant find it. I really would like to buy ringtones off my phone! Please help!!
  8. A

    How can i buy Media / Ringtones on My Motorola backflip?

    I hav been looking around for the media net on my backflip and cant find it. I really would like to buy ringtones off my phone! Please help!!
  9. A

    How can i buy Media / Ringtones on My Motorola backflip?

    I hav been looking around for the media net on my backflip and cant find it. I really would like to buy ringtones off my phone! Please help!!
  10. A

    How can i buy Media / Ringtones on My Motorola backflip?

    I hav been looking around for the media net on my backflip and cant find it. I really would like to buy ringtones off my phone! Please help!!
  11. A

    How can i buy Media / Ringtones on My Motorola backflip?

    I hav been looking around for the media net on my backflip and cant find it. I really would like to buy ringtones off my phone! Please help!!
  12. A

    How can i buy Media / Ringtones on My Motorola backflip?

    I hav been looking around for the media net on my backflip and cant find it. I really would like to buy ringtones off my phone! Please help!!
  13. A

    How can i buy Media / Ringtones on My Motorola backflip?

    I hav been looking around for the media net on my backflip and cant find it. I really would like to buy ringtones off my phone! Please help!!
  14. A

    How can i buy Media / Ringtones on My Motorola backflip?

    I hav been looking around for the media net on my backflip and cant find it. I really would like to buy ringtones off my phone! Please help!!
  15. A

    How can i buy Media / Ringtones on My Motorola backflip?

    I hav been looking around for the media net on my backflip and cant find it. I really would like to buy ringtones off my phone! Please help!!
  16. Z

    can the Motorola BACKFLIP With MOTOBLUR for AT&T work with out the data

    plan or is it a waste w/o it? i want to get this phone but my mom doesn'tt want the data plan she just want unlimited texting and a couple of minutes to talk but i dont want to get this phone and its a waste w/o internet
  17. M

    I have a motorola backflip, and when i try to login to hotmail from my...

    ...browser, all i get is a blank screen? I can't accessm my live account at all from my smart phones browser
  18. H

    motorola backflip android 2.1 update?

    does anyone know when the update will be? i heard that motorola is having testers for the software. thanks.
  19. E

    Are the motorola backflip and the motorola flipout good phones?

    I have the crappiest phone in the world right now...the lg neon in green and i hate it...I want to get the at&t motorola backflip or the at&t motorola flipout. Are those 2 good phones? I want answers from people who have the phones.
  20. J

    Turning the internet off on my motorola backflip?

    So i now have a motorola backflip...when im at home i use wifi but when i go out i have like constant facebook statuses and news and weather on my home screen using my data plan which is not how do i like cause them to not automatically refresh or how can i delete them and be sure...