A British judge will rule on Thursday whether WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, may be freed on bail over alleged sex crimes in Sweden.
Right now it is 11:31 PM 12/15/2010, my prediction Assange is not going to be bailed out. What is your...
I asked "what now?" and he said "stay in my room and never come out again" and I asked if he wanted me to come over and he said "no"....I was thinkign of going over to drop off some cheese cake, and a card and maybe buy him a movie...do you think that's a good idea?
...have not gave up a thing? Obama protected his Union buddies and now the truth is coming out the the Unions did not give up much. They are still continuning the failed politics of the past. Check the article out for yourself: Tax payer money used to keep his Union buddies around, Trade the...
me and this guy were dating 2 months....he started not putting the effort in. hes a commitmment phobe, as soon as things got good he drifted. I cracked it, and we had a break for 2 weeks.
So anywho we made up. But only looking at eachother as a casaul thing. (no sex) He said that he was keen to...
...about $500k salary limit? don't they know that without the bailout money, their company would be bankrupt and out of business and they would be out of a job???