Will Julian Assange be bailed out tomorrow ? My prediction is not. What is yours?

Dec 16, 2010
A British judge will rule on Thursday whether WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, may be freed on bail over alleged sex crimes in Sweden.

Right now it is 11:31 PM 12/15/2010, my prediction Assange is not going to be bailed out. What is your prediction ?
To the U.S. and other governments and corporations involved in the crackdown on WikiLeaks:
We call on you to stop the crackdown on WikiLeaks and its partners immediately. We urge you to respect democratic principles and laws of freedom of expression and freedom of the press. If WikiLeaks and the journalists it works with have violated any laws they should be pursued in the courts with due process. They should not be subjected to an extra-judicial campaign of intimidation.

No, and all of those idiotic celebrities that think they can defy justice should be thrown in the same cell as Assange.