
  1. J

    Is Christianity the only religion that shove their beliefs into others throats?

    I can't think of another religion that tells people that people who have different beliefs will burn in the lake of fire for enternity.
  2. A

    Atheists, which beliefs of which Abrahamic Religions are you in most agreement with?

    1. Christianity 2. Islam 3. Judiasm 4. Bahá'í Faith 5. Rastafarianism
  3. K

    are christian beliefs now a sackable offence? we have a 5 year old reprimanded for talking about god and her mother facing the sack. last week it was a nurse who faced the sack for offering to pray for a patient...
  4. J

    What is my religion according to my beliefs?

    I don't believe in God or gods or anything magical or supernatural. I'm pretty much of a materialist and mechanisist. I'm a nihilist and a determinist. I'm also an anti-theist and anti-atheist. I don't believe in theists and I don't believe in atheists and anything they represent. I deplore and...
  5. D

    People of ALL beliefs and religions, what are your thoughts on this?

    The example of distinguishing between Hinduism versus the Judeo-Christian-Islamic creation account is just one of many ways to examine the truth claims of the world's religions. Since most of the world's religions developed hundreds to thousands of years ago, it is a fairly trivial matter to...
  6. A

    is your religion Baha'i. tell me about your beliefs?

    tell me all about it! is your religion strict? are there rules to follow? such as a christian who believes in marriage before sex
  7. V

    i have a huge question about religion and beliefs. i need as many opinions

    as possible!!? ok, i consider myself a christian because i beleive in god, im a good person and i pray. i dont go to church because i get uncomfortable and impatient.... im an impatient person. i have tried to go and listen but i get so tired and bored i almost fall asleep. i honestly cant help...
  8. D

    Do any other religions or beliefs have multi-level Godhood heaven programs... the mormons or just the mormon? according to mormon doctrine, there are several "degrees of glory" (heavens) that a mormon can obtain from doing good works. But a good little mormon cant "dwell" with Jesus Christ unless you make it to the highest degree or level
  9. F

    Which religion matches my beliefs?

    Okay well i have never really had a 'religion'. I went to a non denominational school. Even though i have only been to church on special occasions, i was brought up as Protestant Christian. I never really new what being a protestant meant or what i was supposed to believe in so as i grew older...
  10. E

    Christians Beliefs And Religions Question?

    Please don't pound on me, I'm a 13 year old girl. Well, I know this one guy. And he's really sweet and nice. He's very honest and goes to church every single week and does the rosary every day. He likes me, and I like him. But there's one thing. He's bisexual. It's not a bad thing, he said that...
  11. K

    What are some beliefs on the anti christ in various denominations and religions?

    like these: methodist lutheran baptist lds catholic hindu judism islam jw 7th day adventist and any others you can think of