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    McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets Come In Ball, Bone, Boot, or Bell Shapes

    If you're like me, you like to think that chicken nuggets are breaded, fried pieces of chicken meat. Not even. According to McDonald's most recent 'behind-the-scenes' reveal, their McNuggets only come in four shapes: ball, bone, boot or bell. (Check out Business Insider's photo to see for...
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    Pathway That Stimulates Bone Growth Revealed By Veterinary Team

    Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine have discovered that a protein called Jagged-1 stimulates human stem cells to differentiate into bone-producing cells. This protein could help both human and animal patients heal from bone fractures faster and may form...
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    Diabetes Distresses Bone Marrow Stem Cells By Damaging Their Microenvironment

    New research has shown the presence of a disease affecting small blood vessels, known as microangiopathy, in the bone marrow of diabetic patients. While it is well known that microangiopathy is the cause of renal damage, blindness and heart attacks in patients with diabetes, this is the first...
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    Engineering Researchers Pinpoint The Origin Of Bone Fractures

    A new study from engineering researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute shows, for the first time, how the little-understood protein osteocalcin plays a significant role in the strength of our bones. The findings could lead to new strategies and therapeutics for fighting osteoporosis and...
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    6 Ways to Build Better Bone Health And Prevent Osteoporosis, Naturally

    Many people take calcium and magnesium to prevent osteoporosis, but those two nutrients alone aren't enough to achieve optimal bone health and reduce your risk. What causes osteoporosis and bone loss isn't just a calcium deficiency, so your osteoporosis prevention plan should also take into...
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    Youngsters Should Exercise To Ward Off Bone Disease

    Playing football or running for at least three hours a week could help teenagers counteract the potential damage to their bone health caused by prolonged spells of sitting An international team, including an expert from the University of Exeter, has found evidence that adolescents who spend...
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    Treatment For Bone Metastases Can Improve Overall Survival

    It is common for patients initially diagnosed with lung cancer to have the cancer spread to sites like the liver, brain and bone. One of the most frequent sites of metastases is the bone, with an estimated 30 to 40 percent of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) developing bone loss...
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    Vitamin C Found To Prevent Bone Loss In Animal Models

    Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have shown for the first time in an animal model that vitamin C actively protects against osteoporosis, a disease affecting large numbers of elderly women and men in which bones become brittle and can fracture. The findings are published in the...
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    Study Sheds Light On Bone Marrow Stem Cell Therapy For Pancreatic Recovery

    Researchers at Cedars-Sinai's Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute have found that a blood vessel-building gene boosts the ability of human bone marrow stem cells to sustain pancreatic recovery in a laboratory mouse model of insulin-dependent diabetes. The findings, published in a PLOS ONE...
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    Odds Of Successful Grafts Improved By New Method Of Resurfacing Bone

    Coating a bone graft with an inorganic compound found in bones and teeth may significantly increase the likelihood of a successful implant, according to Penn State researchers. Natural bone grafts need to be sterilized and processed with chemicals and radiation before implantation into the body...
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    A Delicate Balance: Gut Serotonin And Bone Maintenance

    The hormone serotonin is probably best known for its role in the brain; however, it is also made elsewhere in the body where it regulates multiple physiological processes. Serotonin that is made in the gut is reduces the proliferation of bone cells (osteoblasts) and scientists have suggested...
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    Signs Of HIV Infection Eliminated By Bone Marrow Transplant

    Two men with longstanding HIV infections no longer have detectable HIV in their blood cells following bone marrow transplants. The virus was easily detected in blood lymphocytes of both men prior to their transplants but became undetectable by eight months post-transplant. The men, who were...
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    Alcohol Boosts Bone Health In Women Over 50, Says Irresponsibly-Reported Study

    The award for worst health reporting of the week goes to...numerous news outlets that reported on the benefits of booze for bone health today. A study released this morning, which suggests that regular alcohol consumption could lower risk of osteoporosis in women over 50—the problem is, the...
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    Postmenopause Moderate Alcohol Consumption May Help Prevent Bone Loss

    Drinking a moderate amount of alcohol as part of a healthy lifestyle may benefit women's bone health, lowering their risk of developing osteoporosis. A new study assessed the effects of alcohol withdrawal on bone turnover in postmenopausal women who drank one or two drinks per day several times...
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    Adult Stem Cells From Bone Marrow

    Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Maryland report promising results from using adult stem cells from bone marrow in mice to help create tissue cells of other organs, such as the heart, brain and pancreas - a scientific step they hope may lead to potential new ways to replace...
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    Following Bone Surgery Or A Fracture, Ibuprofen Improves Bone Repair

    A study conducted at the University of Granada has demonstrated that ibuprofen Â*- a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)Â* - has beneficial effects on bone repair after a fracture or following bone surgery. In vitro tests demonstrated that - unlike other NSAIDs - when a therapeutic dose...
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    The Complex Relationship Between Muscle And Bone: Findings Could Identify People At H

    Researchers have long been aware that the progressive loss of muscle mass and bone density is a natural part of aging. But little work has investigated how muscle tissue affects the inner and outer layers of bone microstructure. A Mayo Clinic study looked at skeletal muscle mass and bone health...
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    New Drug Treatment Extends Life In Advanced Prostate Cancer That Has Spread To Bone

    Prostate cancer patients with advanced tumors that have spread to bone have a poor chance of surviving. Patients with the disease may now live longer with a new line of radioisotope therapy, said researchers at the Society of Nuclear Medicine's 2012 Annual Meeting. The skeletal systemis the...
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    Bone Loss May Be Detectable Earlier, NASA

    Scientists from NASA and Arizona State University (ASU) in the US have developed a new way of detecting bone loss that promises to be safer and capable of earlier diagnosis than current methods that rely on X-rays. They write about their work in a study due to be published in PNAS this week...
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    Two-Step Tooth Implantation And Built-Up Bone Can Be Longer Lasting

    Periodontists routinely grow bone in the mouth to guarantee a stable environment for teeth and tooth implants. But whether it's better to build up bone before placing the implant, or to simply place the implant and allow bone to grow around it, has been a subject of considerable medical debate...