
  1. B

    celebrity question brad pitt main character?

    everybody believes that brad pitt is the main character in fight club. i've argued this for years now. the main character HAS to be edward norton because he's the narrator, he's the first person you see in the movie, and you see everything from his point of view. am i wrong? not only that, but...
  2. G

    First trailer for Brad Pitt’s “Inglourious Basterds” project

    var iamInit = function() {try{initIamServingHandler(420,612,604128,"")}catch(ex){}}() Brad Pitt pictured above with partner Angelina Jolie at the Orange British Academy Film Awards 2009 at the Royal Opera House has a new movie project...
  3. L

    Y&R Collen seemed more sincere today in her grief for Brad?

    who will turn on who?
  4. J

    Don't you hate to see them kill of Brad Carlton?

    The guy's been on there since I started wacthing the show in the summer of my 7 th grade year 24 years ago and actually he was on there before that. They may have made his character look like a moron with some of the storylines they gave him, but none of us wanted him to die. I remember when he...
  5. T

    Rumor of Brad miller for LO what do you think?

    I dont like Miller at all id rather keep Lo. He is streaky but he is use to the team and versatile. He can handle, drive and play almost any position. I would trade Lo but not for someone like Miller. Miller sucks Miller is no better than Mihm, Same body and game style. Mihm is healthy now and...
  6. T

    ATWT Fans: Why is Brad acting like he doesn't have a kid?!?

    He and Katie are making a big deal about having a baby but he already has Liberty who is like the sweetest girl ever! WTF is his deal?!?! He acts like she doesn't exsist!
  7. J

    If u could run off and get married to a celeb.Who would it be Brad Pitt or John...

    ...Stamos? Their both HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. M

    what kind of bike brad pitt is riding in this photo?
  9. G

    Brad and Angelina at the French premiere of Benjamin Button

    Awww, how cute! Here’s Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie at the French premiere of “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”. I was watching a PBS thingy last night with a discussion of this movie, and the host (can’t remember his name) said that Brad doesn’t have the ability to convey deep emotion and...
  10. G

    Brad Paisley-Mud on the Tires-Retail-2003-Recycled INT

    Category: Music-MP3 Size: 194.95 MB Files: 27 (6 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri January 23rd 17:53:42 UTC Download NZB
  11. G

    Brad Pitt Reacts to Oscar Nomination

    Brad Pitt received an Oscar nomination for Best Actor in the movie “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”. The nominations were announced this morning. Brad called the nominations "a great honor for the movie”. He also praised the director saying, "I’m especially happy for David Fincher, for...
  12. G

    Wanna see pics of Brad and Angelina’s new digs?

    These pics are just general views of the 48-acre waterfront estate named Sassafras in the Lloyd Neck harbor region of Long Island’s North Shore. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will be renting the property through mid-summer while Angie shoots her next film “Edwin A. Salt.” The main house is 22,000...
  13. G

    Brad Pitt makes list of the hottest men in business

    Naturally, here at PittWatch, we all know that Brad Pitt is hot. But generally I think of him as being a good looking (and highly talented) actor. It’s easy to forget how much work he does behind the scenes for Plan B, acquiring film rights and then producing them. That’s why I [...]
  14. G

    Brad Pitt gasps over Angelina Jolie in the mornings

    By special request, here’s a video clip of Brad Pitt talking about Angelina Jolie with E! News at the premiere of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button last month. In the clip, Giuliana Rancic tells Brad that she gasped when she saw how beautiful Angelina looked that evening, and Brad joked that...
  15. L

    Is Heath Ledger or Brad Pitt the best looking blonde guy celeb or is someone else?

    Question is about best blonde guy celeb --- not best dark haired or red haired celeb Heath Ledger Brad Pitt...
  16. G

    Ryan Seacrest gets snubbed by Brad and Angelina at the Golden Globes

    I know I’m coming in kinda late on this one since the Globes were this weekend, but it’s still worth talking about. Ryan Seacrest, who is probably the most over-exposed celebrity on the planet, was trying to be a journalist on the red carpet at the awards show, shmoozing, talking to celebs, etc...
  17. G

    Waiting for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on the Golden Globes’ red carpet

    Tonight is the night for my favorite awards show, the Golden Globe Awards! While I love the prestige of the Oscars and the influence of regular people on the People’s Choice Awards, I’ve always loved the Golden Globes with their informal seating and relaxed nature. We can expect to see Brad...
  18. M

    Ladies, would you still think that Brad Pitt is hot if he wasn't a celebrity? ?

    Would you look twice at him if he wasn't a movie star?
  19. M

    Why isn't Brad Pitt shown first in the credits of Benjamin Button?

    I've been wondering this for a little while now. Does anyone have any clue? His name is way down the list, yet we all know he had the biggest role? Just curious. Oh, and the Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a FABULOUS movie! One of my favorites!