
  1. W

    What breeds do you think are in this dog?

    He's my rescue Mutt. :) I don't really care what breeds he is, just interested what people think. I think he's probably a German Shep/Collie mix with some other breeds thrown in the mix, but would love other opinions. (Also, does he look healthy? He was soo skinny/dull-coated when I got him a...
  2. M

    What were the breeds of dogs in 'Dog's Life' for the ps2?

    Hi there. I realised I cannot remember, nor find a list of all the breeds of dog in the ps2 game 'Dog's Life'. I believe there was maybe 20 breeds. Does anyone remember what they all were? (If not, I'll do it the old fashioned way and play the darned thing again ;) ). Thank you for any help...
  3. L

    Are these large breeds right for me?

    I have always wanted a Bernese Mountain Dog, but now I feel that isn't the breed for me. I do want a Newfoundland because I am lazy and they are lazy and they are really big, perfect for my house and my life style. But I don't know if they are too much work and too much money. I want a large dog...
  4. D

    which dog breeds dont need c-section?

    i am thinking of breeding dogs but have been been advised that all small breeds , which was my initial prefernce, require c- section. i was thinking of bichon friese and poodles but open to suggestions
  5. S

    How to get two different dog breeds to like each other?

    Okay so I am currently pet sitting for a friend and so far it has been okay. I'm sitting for an 8 pound Yorkie whom is 6 years old. My dog is an Australian Shepherd/Husky mix. She's about 50 pounds right now (7 months). As she is a puppy, she gets very hyper and over excited. I brought him...
  6. J

    Try to the breeds quiz?!?

    (This is a quiz, not a question. Please do not comment if you disagree with this post). 1...
  7. S

    What are your favourite dog breeds, and why?

    Tell us your love for dogs! ^__^ Mine are: Working Cocker Spaniel: Loyal, devoted, beautiful, playful and active - they're your best friend and once you form a connection they never leave your side ^__^ they're great. Italian Greyhound Beautiful, incredibly devoted velcro dogs, also on your...
  8. E

    What's The Difference Between These Breeds?

    I've been checking out ads on a British site called, here's the link for the page i'm on: and as you can see...
  9. L

    what breeds of dogs are mutts?

    i'm just wondering
  10. R

    So many breeds look the same.. can you tell the difference (breed quiz)?

    I've been trying to broaden my knowledge of different breeds and I'm AMAZED at how many look the same. So I thought I'd make a quiz! A. 1. 2. 3...
  11. S

    What dog breeds tend to be in tour face in an affectionate way and never gets

    bored of you and always excited? My dog is a German Shepard Foxhound mix and she puts her head down to the left or right and does not look at me or lick me at these moments but does wag her tail jumps a lot and licks me when I just came back from college or work or just woke up and she plays tug...
  12. A

    What mixed breeds is this dog?
  13. H

    FUN Q! What dog breeds do you associate with these professions...?

    Job searching sucks big sweaty ones... I'll give you a list of professions and you tell me which dog breeds suit them most or remind you of the most... Nurse Teacher Police officer Tax inspector Model Kindergarden/nursery teacher Air steward Plumber TV presenter Author
  14. A

    Are raw beef bones safe for toy breeds?

    My question is basically, are the raw beef bones safe to give to a toy breed? I know that raw is fine and you should never give cooked bones... my question is more about the SIZE of the bones. I'm afraid the beef bones are too big and was told he could even grind his teeth down or...
  15. D

    What are some of the most affectionate cat breeds?

    I was reading something about Maine Coons earlier and how they're not really the type of cat who like to be babied, and they're more independent than not. With a few exceptions of course because all cats have different personalities. But what are some breeds that are known for their affection...
  16. C

    What breeds do you think my pup is a mix of?

    To me it looks like a big Italian Spitz. The dealer told me it was a pure Italian Spitz but it grew to look a bit different. Nevertheless I love it all the same<3... And...
  17. P

    Can anyone guess my dogs Breeds, She's mixed..?

    When i adopted her, At the humane society, they guessed she was half German Sheperd, I'm getting her a test kit next month because i'm curious. She's 49 pounds, Great jumper, I've seen her jump over 4 foot fence with no problem, and she yips like a coyote when she plays lol. Very calm, very...
  18. A

    What breeds of dog would be good to travel with?

    I may only be in high school, but there's one thing I'm sure of- I want to travel a lot! However, I want to have a small dog that I can take on flights with me wherever I go. This dog needs to be low- maintenance as well because I'm not exactly a wonderful groomer. And a friendly pooch is a...
  19. J

    Is it true that orthodox Judaism breeds an unhealthy perfectionism?

    I read this and it made me wonder if Orthodox is right for me silent h: i don't get it. what?
  20. J

    Is it true that orthodox Judaism breeds an unhealthy perfectionism?

    I read this and it made me wonder if Orthodox is right for me silent h: i don't get it. what?