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    Link Between Calcium Supplements And Longer Lifespans In Women

    Taking a calcium supplement of up to 1,000 mg per day can help women live longer, according to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM). Calcium, an essential nutrient for bone health, is commonly found in dairy...
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    Study: Calcium Helps Women Live Longer; Bring On The Cheese (Or Kale)!

    A new study reports that calcium supplements could help women live longer. But what about previous research linking too much calcium to heart disease risk? More » Study: Calcium Helps Women Live Longer; Bring On The Cheese (Or Kale)! is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work...
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    More Frequent Monitoring Of Coronary Artery Calcium Buildup Could Save Lives

    Patients with increasing accumulations of coronary artery calcium were more than six times more likely to suffer from a heart attack or die from heart disease than patients who didn't have increasing accumulations, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the American College of...
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    Calcium Supplements Lead To Heart Disease

    Men who take calcium supplements are more likely to die of heart disease than those who do not take supplements. The finding came from a new study by a team of experts led by Qian Xiao, from the National Institutes of Health, and supports prior research from last year which indicated that...
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    Get Your Calcium From Kale, Not Supplements (Here’s Why)

    Well this is weird: A new study links high calcium intake with higher rates of heart disease and overall death. Isn't calcium supposed to do a body good? Er ... yes and no. More » Get Your Calcium From Kale, Not Supplements (Here’s Why) is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living...
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    Risk Of Cardiovascular Death Doubled In Women With High Calcium Intake - High Risk On

    High intakes of calcium (corresponding to diet and supplements) in women are associated with a higher risk of death from all causes, but cardiovascular disease in particular, compared with women with lower calcium intake, a study published today on suggests. Experts recommend a high...
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    Association Between Blood Calcium And Ovarian Cancer Could Lead To Diagnostic Test

    A new study from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center is the first to report that high blood calcium levels might predict ovarian cancer, the most fatal of the gynecologic cancers. Lead author Gary G. Schwartz, Ph.D., a cancer epidemiologist at Wake Forest Baptist, and colleague, Halcyon G...
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    Heart Risk Prediction Improves With Calcium Scan

    A review of six screening tools for identifying people at high risk for heart disease who are misclassified as intermediate risk using the current standard, suggests the best one is a CT scan that looks for calcium build-up in the arteries around the heart. The review is published this week in...
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    What Is Calcium? Why Do I Need Calcium?

    Calcium is a chemical element which is essential for living organisms, including humans. Calcium's chemical symbol is "Ca". It is found in many foods. We need to consume a certain amount of calcium to build and maintain strong bones and healthy communication between the brain and various parts...
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    Spinach Can Hinder Calcium Absorption; Here’s How To Make Sure It Doesn’t

    Call me Popeye (or maybe Popette?), because I'm absolutely obsessed with spinach. I eat it constantly, cooked and raw, in everything from nachos to pasta to salads to hummus. The other day, I tweeted about my deep, abiding love for the leafy green and one of my friends replied to my tweet...
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    No Thanks, Molly Sims; Calcium Chews Are Medicine, Not Candy

    Women's health magazines (and the celebrities quoted in them) have a bad reputation for offering unsound advice, which tends to range from "slightly off" to "oh, that's an eating disorder, right there." But rarely does one of their cover models give advice that's so unusual as one offered by...
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    what recipes for dinner are there that are high in calcium?

    I need 2 recipes for dinner that are high in calcium! thanks :)
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    what recipes for dinner are there that are high in calcium?

    I need 2 recipes for dinner that are high in calcium! thanks :)
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    Why does the nutrition facts label on my bottled water say there's calcium in it?

    water is just water....what the heck?
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    Does calcium make your boobs bigger?

    Does calcium make your boobs bigger? And I just started taking a calcium pill once a day, will it make my boobs grow? If not, how could I make them bigger. I'm 15 and a B cup... Is that considered small??
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    IOM Report Sets New Dietary Intake Levels For Calcium And Vitamin D To Maintain Healt

    The majority of Americans and Canadians are getting enough vitamin D and calcium to meet their needs, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine. Most people up to age 70 need no more than 600 international units, or IUs, of vitamin D per day, and those 71 and older may need as much as...
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    should i change my calcium dish?

    i keep a calcium dish in my leopard gecko tank all the time and i was wondering should i change it and put new calcium in the dish every week or something i ask that because do the calcium ever get old or spoiled?
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    Leopard Gecko Calcium Dish Question!?

    hellooo i just have a quick question about a Leopard Geckos Calcium Dish.. which calcium is it? vitamin? reptivitamin? Cricket dust? and if you could give me a name pleaseeee also, for the dish i can just use a milk cap or a gatorade cap...right?
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    Daily Health Quiz: Which Foods Have the Most Calcium?

    How much do you really know about your health? You might think you know all the ins and outs of staying healthy, but our daily Health Smarts Quiz will tell you how deep your knowledge really ... MorePost from: BlissTree Daily Health Quiz: Which Foods Have the Most Calcium...
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    Daily Health Quiz: How Much Calcium Should You Get Every Day?

    How much do you really know about health? You might think you know all the ins and outs of staying healthy, but our daily Health Smarts Quiz will tell you how good your knowledge really is. Answer our question, below, and check back tomorrow for the correct answer and your ... MorePost from...