
  1. W

    Does a camping tent block uv rays , and does a long sleeve rash guard dark... block uv rays? I'll be camping 4 days entirely no inside is there Does the tent provide protection from UVA and UVB . I don't want to get tan, I'm bringing lots of 85 SPF to combat and keep my pale complexion I'm 15 I can't not go I'm going in August for 4 days Uv is very intense in...
  2. J

    Looking for camping and hiking in Michigan.?

    Looking for a place in southern Michigan to take my girl friend. Shes new to hiking, so something easier. We'd like to do a two or three day outing, were we set up in the evening, walk in the day. A loop would be perfect. Thanks everyone!
  3. F

    where in uk can you buy single gas canisters for camping stoves?

    simply, the small ones that you open the cooker, take off the red tip from the tubular shape, and click the gas into place before closing the lid. argos sell in bulk.
  4. T

    Jan Nab is the sole owner of Deer Park, a public camping ground near the Lake Mead

    National Recreation Area. J? Jan Nab is the sole owner of Deer Park, a public camping ground near the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Jan has compiled the following financial information as of December 31, 2010. Revenues during 2010—camping fees $140,000 Market value of equipment...
  5. A

    James Buescher wins 2012 Camping World Truck Series title

    James Buescher held off a furious late race charge by Ty Dillon that was blunted by a crash to win the 2012 Camping World Truck Series title Friday night at Homestead-Miami Speedway. After a late race restart, Dillon had closed to second behind Kyle Busch and within a point of Buescher as they...
  6. G

    Ultra-Expensive Two Pound Tent Lightens Your Backpack and Your Wallet [Camping]

    With its new Mojo UFO tent, Sierra Designs is hoping that campers who like to travel light are willing to spend a small fortune to shave a few pounds off their pack. Because the space-age looking shelter weighs less than two pounds, but comes with an $1,800 price tag—that's a whopping $900 per...
  7. G

    Charge Your iPhone with Burning Pine Cones [Camping]

    The first time we saw the BioLite camping stove, it was a fantastic idea that seemed sadly like vaporware. Now it's real, redesigned, available for sale at $130, and will be awesome for wilderness geeks everywhere. More »
  8. A

    Australia Camping: Water in my tent in the morning?

    I went camping in Australia a couple of moonths back during summer. I realize that everyday in the morning when we wake up there is a lot of water inside tent. There was no rain that night. I also thought that maybe my tent was leaking but nope, it wasn't Is this something normal? Can this be...
  9. A

    Could I go camping outdoors the day after my tonsillectomy?

    So I have to get my tonsils removed nd the next day after surgery the guy I likes' family invited my family to go camping with them.Will I be able to go since I will be on antibiotics nd pain meds?I've liked this guy for years nd we always just stare at each other when we pass ways.I've been...
  10. A

    Could I go camping outdoors the day after my tonsillectomy?

    So I have to get my tonsils removed nd the next day after surgery the guy I likes' family invited my family to go camping with them.Will I be able to go since I will be on antibiotics nd pain meds?I've liked this guy for years nd we always just stare at each other when we pass ways.I've been...
  11. A

    Could I go camping outdoors the day after my tonsillectomy?

    So I have to get my tonsils removed nd the next day after surgery the guy I likes' family invited my family to go camping with them.Will I be able to go since I will be on antibiotics nd pain meds?I've liked this guy for years nd we always just stare at each other when we pass ways.I've been...
  12. K

    How do I charge my gadgets while camping for long periods?

    I do a lot of camping, and something a very commonly do (as I would assume a lot of people might) is bring along a cell phone, iPod, etc. On short camping trips I generally tend to buy a 24 pack of batteries and just use that with a USB charger, but on longer camping trips (usually about a week)...
  13. A

    Nike’s Foamposite Galaxy Shoe, Releasing On Friday, Already Has Crazy Fans Camping Ou

    I'm not sure what Nike is better at: manufacturing workout gear, or manufacturing hype. But if the*Foamposite Galaxy, their highly-coveted new shoe is any indication, hype seems to be the thing they're trading in the most. While some die-hard brand enthusiasts are sitting at their mailboxes...
  14. K

    Food used for hiking and camping is frequently labeled "freeze-dried." Which of the

    Food used for hiking and camping is frequently labeled "freeze-dried." Which of the following term.....? Food used for hiking and camping is frequently labeled "freeze-dried." Which of the following terms best describes the process used to prepare these items? A) freezing B) sublimation C)...
  15. A

    My dad hates hiking + camping, but I love it. What should I do?

    I love going camping and hunting and survival and all that sort of stuff, but my dad always complains about getting all rheumatic (can't blame him cause he's 6'7" or 2m and that weight must make you hell stiff in the back and knees). The most adventurous thing he has ever done is gone out onto...
  16. G

    Will the 2012 doomsday predictions garner more attention than Harold Camping's...

    ...predictions? This is in light of Camping's failed October 21st prediction and even though it didnt really get any attention (unlike the May 21st one) there were still some mentions of it and so many people who are basically screwed now since they believed it to be true. I know Camping based...
  17. G

    People STILL follow Harold Camping with his revised 4th prediction of world's end?

    Harold Camping's first prediction of end of world date was around 1994, more recently on May 2011 and then predicted end of world on October 21st 2011. All wrong predictions, 3 times in a row. Now he has a new prediction this time it concurs with Mayan calendar ending end of world prediction...
  18. M

    Why are Christians denouncing Camping when history is filled with their...

    ...false prophecies too? From the Seventh Day Adventists to the Lutherans to the Presbyterians to the Mennonites, and on and on. Jesus himself couldn't even fufill his own prediction, so I think they ought to give old Harold a break. Luke 21:27 And then shall they see the Son of man COMING IN...
  19. W

    Was Harold Camping banking on the doomsday comet for his October prediction?

    If he was he stuffed that one up also. Whats his theory?
  20. I

    How many days are left to the second prediction of Harold Camping's end of the world?

    The first time he didn't happen, he said he had made some miscalculations and that it was going to happen some 6 months later. How many days are left for us to have a good laugh again?