
  1. M

    CES 2009: Digital camcorders continue to evolve

    CES 2009: Digital camcorders continue to evolve At this year's CES, there's a cavalcade of new camcorder models, priced from $150 to as much as $1500. There are HD and SD camcorders in a wide variety of recording formats--miniDV tape, miniDVD disc, memory card, hard-disk, and...
  2. M

    CES 2009: Painting Vegas green

    CES 2009: Painting Vegas green At last year's Consumer Electronics Show, the environmental impact of the products on display was acknowledged, though in a muted way. This year, there's a lot more "green" talk in the presentations and green paint in the displays, and the hue is brighter...
  3. X

    What are you looking forward to the most this year that you've seen from CES

    (Consumer Electronics Show)? I just started watching a bit of the coverage on G4 (I watch it every year but I've been so busy lately so I'm a little behind.) and really I'm not looking forward to too much but the new hp laptop that's said to beat the Macbook Air caught my attention. I know...
  4. M

    CES 2009: Is Sony?s new portable a netbook or laptop?

    CES 2009: Is Sony?s new portable a netbook or laptop? Sony's sleek new Vaio P Series Lifestyle PC, launched this week at CES in Las Vegas, falls somewhere between a netbook and a laptop. Sony doesn't call it a netbook, but it looks and feels like one. (Click on the images for a closer...
  5. M

    What gadget do you like the most in this year's CES?

    Palm Pre looks impressive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoWm_VxELOk
  6. G

    Bug Labs QWERTY Module Prototype Deemed QWERTYy [Ces 2009]

    We had a quick hands-on with a prototype of the upcoming Bug Labs QWERTY module. The keys were tiny, requiring fingernail presses, but overall it felt pretty solid with firm buttons resistant to mistypes. The Bug Labs booth at the Sands Convention Center (see: coffee, exposed circuit boards and...
  7. G

    The Best HDTV Demo Footage We've Seen At CES [Ces 2009]

    Bless you National Electronics Inc, CE wholesalers out of NYC—I will buy your Bravias, so long as a palette of Live at the Acropolis DVDs is part of the deal. </img> </img> </img> </img>
  8. M

    2009 CES: Garmin Nuvi 885T GPS & MSN Direct

    2009 CES: Garmin Nuvi 885T GPS & MSN Direct At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Garmin introduced the Nuvi 885T and Nuvi 855, the latest members in the top-scoring Nuvi 800 GPS series. The Nuvi 880 excelled in our tests, distinguished by an effective voice-recognition...
  9. K

    How can i get into CES 2009?

    Hi, i am a local in Las Vegas and was wondering if it was possible for me to enter at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas Hilton Venetian Tower Suites, i was just wondering if it was invite only, and if i needed a pass or something similar Or can i just walk in?
  10. G

    All The Gadget Booth Girls Who Are Not at CES (NSFW) [Not CES]

    CES, schmCES. Are these half-neekeed girls at CES? No, they are not. They are somewhere. No clue where. Maybe walking the streets of Madrid. I should go down and check it out. [Buzznewsroom] </img> </img> </img> </img>
  11. G

    New PoGo Instant Digital Camera Still No Instamatic, But Cool Enough [Ces 2009]

    No matter what they do, the new Polaroid PoGo Instant digicam will never have the magic nature, heartwarming charm, and craptastic retro quality of their good old Instamatics. But they are kind of cool, anyway. Sure, the new Polaroid PoGo Instant Digital Camera can print 2 x 3-inch photos in 60...
  12. G

    Live: Palm Keynote [Ces 2009]

    10:30 PST: In a few moments, we will see the fruits of the Palm team's many months of labor, and the Palm fan's answer to what the Post-Treo revolution looks like. Updates as they come. It's a lot for them to live up to, but we're resetting our expectations and approaching the lagging company's...
  13. M

    2009 CES: Navigon adds Rand McNally guides to its GPS units

    2009 CES: Navigon adds Rand McNally guides to its GPS units The first of Navigon?s announcements for this year?s CES is that, this spring, the company will provide access to Rand McNally?s Scenic Routes and City Guides through its GPS navigators. Scenic Routes is intended for drivers...
  14. G

    Toshiba's New Regzas Add 240Hz, LED Backlight On the Top-End SV670 Series [Ces 2009]

    The top end of Toshiba's new Regza LCDs will bring all of thie year's standard top-end specs—240Hz, LED-backlight with local dimming, with a sprinkling of other upgrades throughout the rest of the new line. Toshiba is also pushing hard on the sub-features sprinkled throughout the other two...