
  1. E

    High ALT levels for liver and high cholesterol - should I worry?

    Hello, I’ve just had some LFT results back. Everything is fine, except my ALT is 103 and my cholesterol is 6.7. When I last had these tests done in 2010, my ALT was 41. I had a prior issue with my liver two years ago, had an ultrasound, and it was fatty liver due to possible toxic medication...
  2. T

    In Patients With Kidney Disease, LDL Cholesterol Is A Poor Marker Of Heart Health

    Other measures are needed to assess patients' cardiovascular risks Among patients with chronic kidney disease, those with very low kidney function had a higher risk of having a heart attack than those with higher kidney function over a four-year period. The link between higher LDL...
  3. G

    Jekyll into Hyde: Breathing auto emissions turns HDL cholesterol from ‘good’ to ‘bad’

    Academic researchers have found that breathing motor vehicle emissions triggers a change in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, altering its cardiovascular protective qualities so that it actually contributes to clogged arteries. In addition to changing HDL from “good” to “bad,” the...
  4. S

    I have high cholesterol but have had a heart cath and was told my...

    ...arteries were "clear as a bell".? Do I still need to be concerned about the high cholesterol? I walk 3 - 5 miles a day.
  5. T

    Bad Cholesterol Lowered In Men On Heart-Healthy Diet, Regardless Of Weight Loss

    A heart-healthy diet helped men at high risk for heart disease reduce their bad cholesterol, regardless of whether they lost weight, in a study presented at the American Heart Association's Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 2013 Scientific Sessions. The nineteen 24 to 62 year old...
  6. A

    Eggs & Heart Disease: Gut Bacteria, Not Cholesterol, May Explain Link

    The real reason eggs contribute to heart trouble may have little to do with cholesterol and everything to do with the way they're digested by gut bacteria. More » Eggs & Heart Disease: Gut Bacteria, Not Cholesterol, May Explain Link is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work...
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    Olive Oil May Activate Genes That Help Clear Cholesterol From Arteries

    More good news on the health benefits of olive oil: A recent Spanish study found that polyphenols present in olive oil could change the way our genes respond to high density cholesterol (HDL). More » Olive Oil May Activate Genes That Help Clear Cholesterol From Arteries is a post from Blisstree...
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    In Preventing Diabetes-Related Heart Disease, Blood Pressure And Cholesterol Targets

    For people with diabetes, meeting the recommended guidelines for blood pressure and cholesterol is even more important than meeting the guidelines for blood sugar control in reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke, according to a new Kaiser Permanente study published today in the Journal of...
  9. T

    Cholesterol Helps Regulate Key Signaling Proteins In The Cell

    Cholesterol plays a key role in regulating proteins involved in cell signaling and may be important to many other cell processes, an international team of researchers has found. The results of their study are reported in the journal Nature Communications. Cholesterol's role in heart disease has...
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    Underlying Connection Between "Good" Cholesterol And Collagen In Heart Health

    Underlying Connection Between "Good" Cholesterol And Collagen In Heart Health Arterial stiffening has long been considered a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Keeping arteries soft and supple might reduce disease risk, but the mechanisms of how arteries stave off hardening has...
  11. J

    What are the uses of HDL cholesterol?

    i am a women of 44 years. my recent blood checkup result says that my HDL cholesterol is only 34. Is there any problem for this?
  12. T

    Researchers Find New Way Of Fighting High Cholesterol

    Atherosclerosis - the hardening of arteries that is a primary cause of cardiovascular disease and death - has long been presumed to be the fateful consequence of complicated interactions between overabundant cholesterol and resulting inflammation in the heart and blood vessels. However...
  13. T

    Good Cholesterol Levels Increased By Algae Extract

    A Wayne State University researcher has found that an extract from algae could become a key to regulating cardiovascular disease. In a study funded by Health Enhancement Products of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Smiti Gupta, Ph.D., assistant professor in the department of nutrition and food science...
  14. A

    HDL Won’t Protect Against Heart Disease, Says Study Proving ‘Good’ Cholesterol Is Wis

    A new study was released earlier this week that says HDL–otherwise known as "good cholesterol" by everyone from doctors to the CDC, because of its association with a lower risk of heart disease–may not do much to lower your risk of heart disease. This is particularly troublesome news for...
  15. G

    Good Cholesterol Isn't as Good as We Thought [Medicine]

    Over the past few decades, scientists have suggested that high levels of HDL—which has come to be known as "good cholesterol"—can reduce the risk of heart attack. New evidence, however, suggests that might not be the case after all. More »
  16. A

    Afternoon Links: Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol

    • Foods to naturally lower your cholesterol. (HuffPost Fitness) • Everything you need to know about your first race. (fitsugar) • Ways to control emotional eating. (Yourtango) • How to get a guy to ask you out online. (HuffPost Women) • America's best supermarkets revealed. (The Stir) •...
  17. I

    My cholesterol is 236 mg/dl, AST at 48 and ALT at the high AST and ALT...

    ...possibly due to high cholest? My cholesterol is 236 mg/dl, AST at 48 and ALT at the high AST and ALT possibly due to high cholesterol? I took the blood test 1 day after I took 2 pills of tylenol and was feeling kind of sick that time. What are ways to lower cholesterol and if...
  18. I

    I have high ALT and Cholesterol and doc wants a liver songram 5 months if not...

    ...lowered. Am I in danger? I have high ALT and cholesterol and doc wants a liver songram 5 months if not lowered. Am I in danger? How can I lower ALT and Cholesterol? Doc says I am overweight so he says I should just exercise...
  19. T

    Cholesterol Lowering By Statins May Be Affected By Gut Bacteria

    Statins can be effective at lowering cholesterol, but they have a perplexing tendency to work for some people and not others. Gut bacteria may be the reason. A research team led by a Duke University scientist has identified three bile acids produced by gut bacteria that were evident in people...
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    Treating Glioblastoma By Starving Cancer Cells Of Cholesterol

    A new study suggests that blocking cancer cells' access to cholesterol may offer a new strategy for treating glioblastoma, the most common and deadly form of brain cancer, and perhaps other malignancies. The potential treatment could be appropriate for tumors with a hyperactive PI3K signaling...