
  1. K

    When writing a paper in APA style, is it necessary to cite a translation of one word?

    The phrase in question is: [...] hence the name Cyclothymic disorder, or "cycle of anger" from the Greek language. Do I need to cite a Greek dictionary to prove that this is correct? Or does it qualify as general knowledge? Only serious answers please. This is for a grade. Any wasted...
  2. E

    will you please cite some possible effects of Ebook in Libraries ? (both positive

    and Negative)? I need the answer ASAP . thanks for answering
  3. B

    how to cite a self drawn picture APA style?

    i have to cite pictures that i drew myself - how am i supposed to do that?
  4. S

    How do I cite authors in parenthetical citations(more info)?

    How do I cite the author's name in parenthetical citations, do I use their last name of first name? If it's a web source do I put the year in the source was published? Also how do I specifically write multiple ones? Sorry for the rather stupid question, I couldn't find any reliable information...
  5. F

    How do I cite a quote APA style?

    I am writing a paper and I am using a direct quote from a web page. How do I cite it APA style? Thanks!
  6. A

    How would you cite this online book?

    I need help on how to cite the very first quote of the paragraph. Thank you very much!
  7. J

    How to cite this DVD in MLA style?

    I need to cite the DVD "Stark Raving Black" in a research paper that I am doing. (details can be found here: I went to, and it told me to cite it like this: Black, Lewis, Dir. Stark Raving Black. Dir. Dubin...
  8. B

    Opponents of gay adoption and parenting often cite the premise that children need

    to grow up with ____________? one male and one female parent (preferably het) Here is an article in TIME magazine that shows how gay couples actually produce children who do *better* than children from traditional heterosexual couples...
  9. R

    how to cite a book in a paper?

    i have to right a summary on a book i read and the teacher said i had to site every thing that wasnt common knowledge. how would i go about doing this?
  10. C

    How to cite a person in Chicago Style?

    For my final history project, I'm making a PowerPoint, and we are required to have a credits page. The only source for my information is my professor: from her lectures and PowerPoints she would give us. We are supposed to use Chicago Style. How would I cite this? Thanks :)
  11. T

    Children's Hospital Oakland RNs Authorize Strike, Cite Management Demands To Slash He

    Registered nurses from Children's Hospital Oakland, voted overwhelmingly this week to authorize their nurse negotiators to call a three-day strike if necessary to protest ongoing management efforts to sharply reduce healthcare coverage for nurses and their families. No date has been set for...
  12. N

    What is an introduced species? Cite 2 examples of introductions, and

    briefly explain their effects on the nati? effects on the native species*
  13. L

    How do you properly cite quotes if you are planning to write and publish a memoir?

    Do you cite who said the quote in the very back or just put their name, date.etc within the paragraph you're writing. How do you cite a quote from a person? How do you cite song lyrics?
  14. A

    How do I cite a store name in a book?

    This is my first book where I absolutely need to cite a store name but I don't know how, can somebody please help?
  15. A

    How do I cite a store name in a book?

    This is my first book where I absolutely need to cite a store name but I don't know how, can somebody please help?
  16. A

    How do I cite a store name in a book?

    This is my first book where I absolutely need to cite a store name but I don't know how, can somebody please help?
  17. A

    How do I cite a store name in a book?

    This is my first book where I absolutely need to cite a store name but I don't know how, can somebody please help?
  18. R

    How would I cite this article Harvard style in an essay?

    Hey all, This is the website: I'd really appreciate your help! Thanks :) xx
  19. L

    Do you think it is unfair to cite an out-of-state driver?

    Unless they live within an hour or two of where they were cited, they are pretty much unable to request and attend a hearing, which is a right, not a privilege. Unless it was something heinous, don't you think that's unfair?
  20. G

    How Do I Cite the Introduction to A Novel? please Help!!!?

    For school, i read "Pride and Prejudice". In the front of the book, there is an introduction by a person other than the person who wrote the book. The intro comtained some facts that i used for a paper. Does anyone know how I should cite this? Thanks for your help!