
  1. M

    Terri Clark The Long Way Home (2009)

    Name: Terri Clark The Long Way Home (2009) Category: Music: MP3 Albums Size: 66.54MB Added: 2009-09-12 16:20:58
  2. G

    How was George Rogers Clark important in the Revolutionary War?

    I'm doing a speech on him and can't find out how he was significant to the winning of the Revolutionary War. Please help.
  3. G

    What are 12 interesting/important facts about George Rogers Clark?

    I'm writing a speech on him and I can't find interesting facts. I've looked all over and it's too late to go to the library unfortunately. Thank you.
  4. M

    How did Lewis and Clark greet each Indian tribe?

    in the Corps of Discovery / Lewis and Clark Expedition
  5. J

    how would clark atlanta university prepare a person for future leadership?

    i am trying to write the admission essay i really want to go to this college but i am ready to quit but i just some pointer to get me on the right track pleassssse help me thanks for those who help and to those that even took the time to look at this this is a CRY FOR HELP lol
  6. N

    Does anyone know where to get images of clark kent tripping or falling?

    I've been looking for pictures of clark being clumsy and dorky. It's for a valentine gift i'm working on. If you have any or you know where to find some please let me know :)
  7. D

    how may miles did lewis and clark travel?

    Some websites say 4000 and some say 8000, im realy confused