
  1. R

    what's an interesting way to commit suicide?

    I'm NOT thinking about suicide. One of the characters in a novel I'm trying to write will die while committing suicide but i want it to be unique. Whether it will really be effective in real life is irrelevant as long as there's a slight possibility of it working and it is interesting. (ie...
  2. R

    Should I commit suicide because pick up artist seduction works? Ok so I was in

    the library at school, and the? Should I commit suicide because pick up artist seduction works? Ok so I was in the library at school, and theres this girl on the computer. And a guido frat comes over to her and starts talking. I gather they knew each other. But he was using lines right out of...
  3. R

    Should I commit suicide because pick up artist seduction works?

    Should I commit suicide because pick up artist seduction works? Ok so I was in the library at school, and theres this girl on the computer. And a guido frat comes over to her and starts talking. I gather they knew each other. But he was using lines right out of the pick up manuals literally...
  4. A

    If religion makes people more moral, why do religious people commit more sex

    offences? Particularly sex offences.I found this in an old time article. The Home Office has disclosed statistics for the first time, showing the prison population according to their faith and type of offence committed. Two trends...
  5. G

    Do you think newspapers can influence people to commit crimes.?

    Do you think it can drive up fear in crime?
  6. D

    After listening to Kent Hovind conspiring to commit fraud, how likely are you to

    trust him regarding science? "kicks people when they're down"? Poor, poor Kent. He had no idea his conversations were taped. It's obviously not his fault.
  7. F

    Has Robert Pastor ever been charged with conspiring to commit terroristic acts...

    ...against the USA? <<Mr. Pastor had published an interview in Spanish in the Oct. 24 issue of Poder y Negocios. He told the magazine crises can force decisions that otherwise would not be made. "The 9/11 crisis made Canada and the United States redefine the protection of their borders," Pastor...
  8. Y

    Why do Americans downplay the evil they commit abroad, yet exaggerate their...

    ...heroism through Hollywood movies? Water bottle incident in Iraq: I can't find the one where a soldier throws a dog over a cliff...does anyone have a link?
  9. J

    Conspiracy to Commit Armed Robbery?

    My friend was arrested last night and was charged with conspiracy to commit armed robbery. he was also charged with two other things, but i can't remember what they were. They were minor crimes tho. How long of a sentence could he possible serve because of this? He's 18 and this is in...
  10. D

    What is the least painful way to commit suicide?

    I want to end it all.
  11. N

    can text messages be used as a conspiracy case if trans was never commit ed?

    person A got arrested with poss.of meth.person B had sent a text message wanting make a buy.
  12. P

    My Fish Keeps Trying To Commit Suicide ...?

    My Betta keeps jumping out of its bowl!! I've been lucky enough that i've been home each time... I came out of the bedroom and he was almost over the ledge of the table! I was wondering if anyone has any ideas why he is doing this... I feed him enough food His bowl is always kept clean Its big...
  13. T

    if you lived in a world without pie, would you commit suicide?

    I would!!!
  14. D

    After listening to Kent Hovind conspiring to commit fraud, how likely are you to

    trust him regarding science? "kicks people when they're down"? Poor, poor Kent. He had no idea his conversations were taped. It's obviously not his fault.
  15. M

    I want to commit suicide?

    The best of life has been and gone never to return. Everyday the day is the same as the last. I can't get a job as I cannot work which means all I can do is lay around in my room all day or walk around the city which I find very depressing. You can't talk me out of this I've had enough. Which...
  16. G

    Where in the Bible does it say that we are forgiven of future sins that we commit?

    Reference for PAST sins being forgiven Romans 3:25 and 2 Peter 1:9
  17. S

    What is a sure fire way to commit suicide?

    I'd have done everyone a favor and put myself out of my own misery a long time ago if I could find a method of doing so that didn't somehow fail every time I try. I spent Christmas Morning in the hospital because I failed at trying by stabbing myself five times.] Please help.
  18. C

    I am charged with burglary and conspiracy to commit a crime what

    punishment can i expect? I was arrested along with a co-worker yesterday because we took $1100 in gift cards, we are being charged together with felony charges, our bail was $20,000 each, its both of our first offenses we had never done anything bad b4 so our records were clean, we had both been...
  19. M

    How many people commit suicide because of rumors?

    what are the statistics of suicides because of rumors? please this is for a project. its really important.
  20. H

    What should i do if my best friend wants to commit suicde by driving his car...

    ...into a river ? I got this friend who is an depressed person, i mean he's my best friend but he keeps on getting angry & upset. He told me that he's going drive his car into the river and drown. What should i do to STOP him ?