
  1. G

    My phone is stuck on the location consent page and its a motorola photon 4g?

    It got wet and I left it in rice overnight and I rebooted it and it appeared on the location page and my touch pad wont work either
  2. M

    Does anyone know any hotels in Alabama that admit 16 year olds with parent consent?

    So my son is driving to gulf shores alabama gmfor spring break and he is sadly 16 I need to know cheap hotel that will let him check in with a fax from me giving my consent?
  3. S

    Cellphone video recording without consent is illegal right?

    My wife and her ex were arguing,video shows my wife cussing, but doesnt show her ex cussing at her,their in a custody battle for their child
  4. S

    Why sex without consent with Spouse / Partner and Sex worker is not

    considered as rape? While technically and legally it is rape, socially it is not given as much seriousness as rape. Even police are not serious in registering it as a crime. What are your views ?
  5. P

    Poll: Do you think the age of consent should be lowered?

    BQ: Do you think statutory rape should be decriminalized?
  6. S

    Can an employer take your vacation hour without your consent.?

    After Hurricane Sandy the office was closed because OPM - Federal govt was closed. There was no bus or train service. We are contractors for a Federal Agency. The boss told everyone to stay hone for both days. The employees the timesheet and no one told us that we must use our leave. Some...
  7. M

    Can I write about a person in my autobiography without their consent?

    Example: I have a memory of a specific event involving this person and myself. Do I need their consent before writing the actions down?
  8. T

    Presumed Consent Not Answer To Solving Organ Shortage In U.S., Researchers Say

    Changing the organ donation process in this country from opt-in by, say, checking a box on a driver's license application to opt-out, which presumes someone's willingness to donate after death unless they explicitly object while alive, would not be likely to increase the donation rate in the...
  9. J

    If we have letters of parental consent, can my friend and I (both 16) travel to

    Italy unnacompanied? Me and my friend want to travel to Austria to go skiing in December 2012. We want to fly into Milan and take a train to Austria because the flights are cheaper to Milan from our area. My question is, we are both 16 at the time, and we don't have an adult with us, but we have...
  10. T

    Ohio Age of Consent Law?

    Can someone explain this is vivid detail and give me an example? OhioRevisedCode:2907.04 No person who is eighteen years of age or older shall engage in sexual conduct with another, who is not the spouse of the offender, when the offender knows the other person is thirteen years of age or older...
  11. K

    parental consent form for UK visa?

    Does anyone know where I can find the form my daughter's dad will need to fill out for her to go to the UK and get a Visa? I'm trying to get my paperwork in order before I need it so I'm better prepared.
  12. R

    Parent consent law??? Need help!?

    Im turning 18 soon and my girlfriend is 14, I KNOW, its young, but I liked her before I knew her age, and I though she was older then that, but it didn't bother me, so we started dating, and her parents love me, but my mom doesn't love me dating someone so young, so thinks I can get put in jail...
  13. J

    Can I travel internationally without parents consent? at 17?

    Ok, so i'm living with my grandparents in Thailand and I want to return back to the US. My father is in Thailand but we're not longer in speaking terms. I was wondering if I can return to the US without my fathers consent. I am a US born & raised. If I need some kind of consent letter would my...
  14. D

    What do I need to do to gain consent from a woman to have sex with her?

    With NO money involved no alcohol either ( as that impairs the ability to consent rationally). Or don't women generally like or want sex unless there is money or alcohol involved?
  15. B

    Do I need parental consent from both parents to travel overseas if im 16 year old?

    My Mum gives me consent, but my dad because we had an argument and just to be spiteful refuses to give me consent Im In New Zealand by the way so im not sure if the law would be different to the American law. Because I know in New Zealand you can get an adult passport if your 16 years or older...
  16. G

    Does my sister need a consent from to travel to and from Canada?

    My sister is 17 years old. She will be traveling from New York to Canada and back. Will she need a written consent form from my parents? How does this work? What documents will I need to provide?
  17. A

    if you're 18, can you travel to Mexico without parental consent?

    it says you only need parental consent for a minor 17&under, i think?
  18. L

    What is the legal age to travel without the consent of one parent? (Canada to the...

    ...Netherlands)? Hi, I am 16 and a canadian citizen. I am hoping to travel to the Netherlands for 2 weeks with my father in June. My parents are divorced and share custody of me. Would I need my mother's consent to be able to go? I have an adult passport, if that makes any difference.
  19. J

    LDS, Mormon and Joseph Smith's polygamy and the wife giving their consent?

    Joseph's revelation on polygamy specifies that a man's first wife must consent before he can take another woman.... "And again, as pertaining to the law of the priesthood—if any man espouse a virgin, and desire to espouse another, and THE FIRST GIVE HER CONSENT, and if he espouse the second...
  20. I

    Should the age to get a piercing without the consent of a parent or guardian

    really be eighteen? Piercings are a form of expression, you can purchase condoms and get birth control before eighteen, even get an abortion, all without parental consent, Do you agree or disagree the piercing age should be lowered? not to ten, but a reasonable age, fifteen or sixteen. I know...