
  1. C

    Creationists, can you name one prediction that the theory of evolution made that

    turned out to be false? Links to Christian apologetics sites like carm, creationscience, or any of that don't count. If you do have one of those, then please cut out the middleman and direct me to the peer reviewed journal/documentation that is (hopefully) cited therein. Oh, and be specific...
  2. S

    What do Creationists think when they see the fossilized bones of Homo Habilis?

    Do they think it is a deformed human? Or, do they refuse to look at the fossilized bones at all?
  3. M

    Creationists. Who are the Homos?

    Creationists. Who are the fossils of very old Homo species remains, and other H. sapiens? Are these descendants from adam and eve? Were they here before adam and eve? Did adam and even evolve from them? Did adam and eve give birth to them? Why are they now extinct? Why did god just kill them...
  4. A

    How come Creationists and Christians aren't complaining about Cosmology

    research that shows no God is needed? Cosmology research works on where the Universe came from and they never refer to God(s). but natural causes. How come Creationists aren't protesting against at Cosmology conferences?
  5. P

    Does anyone else find it hilarious when creationists talk about Carbon Dating

    rocks/fossils and other...? ...ancient artifacts that are millions of years old, and how those carbon dated rocks prove something. BQ: Do you know what makes that notion laughable?
  6. I

    Creationists, true or false?

    Minor variations in animals that eventually lead to a diversity in animal life is a fairy tale. But an evil snake getting a women to eat an apple from a tree and causing our problems is reality.
  7. A

    Dear Leviah, and other creationists?

    Can you support this claim "...however mutations seem unable to produce entirely new forms of life , the continued loss of genetic information will result in the destruction of the life form not an improvement." After I stopped laughing at this idea I did a quick google search and selected the...
  8. C

    Creationists: Was the flooded world fresh or saltwater?

    If freshwater, how did all the saltwater species survive? If saltwater, how did all the freshwater species survive? Or did Noah have a giant aquarium on the ark too?
  9. I

    People who accept evolution, how do you argue with creationists?

    Do you try to reason with them, or do you just simply ignore them?
  10. H

    Does the fact that no matter how much they rant and rave, creationists are not...

    ...going to get their silly? creationism/ID nonsense into the curricula of respectable colleges and universities in the Western world? Now, they do get to teach that idiocy in diploma mills like Liberty U., Bo(o)b Jones U, and Oral Roberts U, but we all know the academic standing of those jokes.
  11. S

    Why waste your time arguing with creationists?

    There is no amount of evidence in the world that would ever convince them of the theory of evolution. it is simply impossible to convince them. Even if you could make a time machine and prove beyond any doubt that evolution happened, they would still deny it. If God himself came down and said...
  12. T

    Isn't it funny how CREATIONISTS are _themselves_ the proof of evolution?

    If natural selection didn't exist, _they_ wouldn't exist so by the very fact that they exist and blab their nonsense, that is itself the evidence of evolution by natural selection. This is a bit like a flea denying the existence the of the dog...
  13. R

    Christians, particularly, creationists, etc.: Do you believe in dragons?

    Please note that this is not an "absurd" question, nor is it chat. The question I want the answer to is "Do Christians believe in dragons?," and obviously, the only way to get a reliable answer is by asking Christians themselves. Equally obviously, my next-door neighbor in Democratic Illinois...
  14. C

    How come when creationists argue evolution, I go along with it, but when I then

    ask for evidence of god...? They have none to offer? Certainly, they don't think that even if they did actually scientifically falsify evolution, that they would get out of the duty of evidence for their own claim scott-free, do they?
  15. P

    Young Earth Creationists: Did Noah take Australopithecus Afarensis, Homo Habilis, &

    Young Earth Creationists: Did Noah take Australopithecus Afarensis, Homo Habilis, & Neanderthals on the ark? Or did they die off in the flood? Why don't the pre-flood chapters of Genesis mention all the humanoids that we know must have existed because we've found their fossilized remains? I...
  16. D

    When creationists argue, can you see how they are just parroting without...

    ...understanding? They talk about thermodynamics and a complex universe but you can tell that they don’t understand what they’re talking about. Parrots don’t understand what they’re talking about either; they just blurt out words that they’ve been trained to repeat. This behavior is similar to a...
  17. G

    Do's and Don'ts Debating Creationists: Part 4

    Read the comments on this post... More...
  18. G

    Do's and Don'ts Debating Creationists: Part 2

    Read the comments on this post... More...
  19. G

    Do's and Don'ts Debating Creationists: Part 3

    Read the comments on this post... More...
  20. T

    How do you believe the universe was created(to evolutionists, and creationists too)?

    To me both things sound illogical: 1. time is everlasting. There always has to be something before that something before that something. something has to exist because of something else causing it to exist. that's what i think. 2. There was a beginning. But what did that beginning come from...