
  1. J

    Attraction of Darwin city!!

    I am tourist and like to see the beautiful places around the world. I want to talk about Darwin city. This city is the largest city in the sparsely populated Northern Territory, with a population of 136,245. It is a nice city to enjoy the holidays. I am personally visited in this city with my...
  2. A

    Darwin Barney ?Goldfinger? bobblehead doll on Chicago Cubs giveaway schedule

    I've got some questions about these bobblehead dolls of Darwin Barney, the Gold Glove-winning infielder of the Chicago Cubs, which will be given away at Wrigley Field on June 1. Of the 10,000 dolls made, 1,000 of them will be gold! • The gold ones. Are they really milk chocolate underneath...
  3. T

    Happy birthday to Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln, Thank you for

    benefiting humanity? Everyone say happy birthday to two amazing people who actually benefited humanity in one way or another!
  4. A

    Darwin Barney?s errorless streak ends three outs before breaking Major League record

    Tough break for Chicago Cubs second baseman Darwin Barney, who was three outs away — barring a Cubs rally —*from breaking Placido Polanco's Major League record with his 142nd consecutive errorless game at second base, before committing a throwing miscue in the Cubs 8-3 loss to the Diamondbacks...
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    Darwin Barney secures record errorless streak after official scoring change

    For the most fans of the Chicago Cubs haven't had much to cheer for or get emotionally invested in throughout the 2012 season. That has changed a little bit recently, though, as second baseman Darwin Barney's consectutive games errorless streak continued to grow and brought him closer to...
  6. G

    Charles Darwin Hacked Together His Own Office Chair Because He Was a Genius [Past Per

    If you're reading this post there's a pretty good chance you're doing so on a computer. You're probably sitting in a wonderfully ergonomic office chair too. We have Charles Darwin to thank for the latter—sort of. More »
  7. G

    Darwin and the human fossil record: 150 years of discovery, exploration, and debate

    Read the comments on this post...
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    Darwin's Islands

    If you know only a little bit about Charles Darwin, you know that he figured out Evolution via his study of the finches (and other birds) of the Galapagos. If you know a bit more than that about Darwin, you know that he totally messed up his collection of birds from the Galapagos Islands, and...
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    Charles Darwin, Geologist

    We know that Darwin was a biologist, and in many ways he was the first prominent modern biologist. But many people do not realize that he was also a geologist. Really, he was mainly a geologist on the day he stepped foot on The Beagle for his famous five year tour. This is especially true if...
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    Darwin was not a biologist (talk)

    You could read hundreds of pages of Darwin's work and easily come to the conclusion that he was a geologist. But a different selection of readings would convince you he was a biologist. In truth, he was neither and both. I'm giving a talk this weekend for the Humanists of Minnesota that will...
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    A Talk on Darwin, Evolutionary Biology and Race

    Anti-science and creationist rhetoric, coming from organizations like the Discovery Institute, often paints Darwin as handmaiden to the Nazis and founder of racist biology. The eugenics movement of the early twentieth century is uncritically melded with Darwin's writings that touched on race...
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    Guess the X Blog, Win A Darwin Coffee Mug

    Hurry over while the guessing is still good! A Darwin I Think Mug to the first commenter who correctly identifies the symbolism of the name "The X Blog" Read the comments on this post...
  13. G

    Birds feared Darwin

    Have you been keeping up with my posts at Birdingblogs.com? If Darwin was alive today he would be a bird watcher. But he would do his bird watching differently, using a nice set of binoculars rather than a shotgun. In his autobiography, Darwin reminisces ... Read more Read the comments...
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    More on Darwin's Other Birds ...

    ... no matter how we interpret what happened for Darwin on his route from Potential Country Pastor to First Evolutionary Biologist, the mocking birds figured in because they impressed young Charles when he first saw them.... Read about Darwin's Other Birds Read the comments on this post...
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    Charles Darwin and the Condor

    Charles Darwin did a lot of work with birds. Darwin was a consumer of information, constantly attempting experiments, interviewing locals, making observations, and so on. For this reason, his writing about birds provides not only interesting information about birds, but also insight into his...
  16. G

    My new blogging project: Darwin and Birds

    For the next several weeks, I'll be contributing a weekly post at Birdingblogs.com. The informal title of this series of posts is Darwin's Other Birds. The idea is to identify particularly interesting passages from Darwin's writings and put them in an appropriate context. This week's post is...
  17. G

    Louis Agassiz + Alexander Agassiz + Charles Darwin + Coral Reefs = High Entertainme

    There are many fascinating stories linked to the early days of evolutionary biology and geology, and more than one of them is intertwined with our understanding of coral reefs. I had always thought that Darwin's interaction with the question of how coral reefs form was central to Darwin's own...
  18. G

    Darwin's Lost World Free Chapter

    As you know, the NCSE brokers free chapters and sometimes entire books for people to download and read, in order to disseminate knowledge about Important Stuff. They just released a chapter of Darwin's Lost World: The Hidden History of Animal Life by Martin Brasier. Click here to download...
  19. G

    Free Darwin Beer! Cheap Gas! No Traffic Jams! AGW No More!

    Back in my days wandering around in Harvard Square, I used to look at the beautiful churches and think .... Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  20. B

    Where can I buy a Darwin Fish plaque for my car?

    I'm not into the whole shipping online thing... where all can I find one in Tampa, Florida? also how hard would it be to remove it once it's on?