
  1. T

    New Breast, Cervical Cancer Guidelines Part Of Long-Running Debate About Cancer Scree

    Although new breast cancer screening guidelines from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force have "shocked and angered" women across the country, the debate over the risks and benefits of cancer screening has been ongoing for over a decade, according to experts, USA Today reports. The panel's...
  2. T

    To Influence Senate Health Debate, Lobbyists' Public Voices Getting Louder

    As the Senate commences its health care debate, lobbyists are lining up, Roll Call reports. Tactics include television ads, memos, factsheets, abortion-rights activists' "DC Lobby Day," and signs in Washington's subway stations. Already in the queue are those supporting the bill, including...
  3. T

    Opinion Pieces Address Abortion Coverage Issue In Health Reform Debate

    Opinion pieces published recently in four newspapers addressed the issue of abortion coverage in health reform legislation and the antiabortion amendment by Reps. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) and Joe Pitts (R-Pa.) included in the House health reform bill (HR 3962). Summaries appear below. ~ Michelle...
  4. C

    Athiest's Debate Point for the Religious. Rational people

    ...Christian Nazies.? If God is a superior being to me, and he demands i worship him, and i am a superior being to all animals of the wild, and God sends those whom do not conform to his will to hell to burn for eternity (or simply denies you from heaven, for those whom do not believe so...
  5. J

    What was the end music in NBC's Community on Episode 109, as the debate ended?

    The first lyrics heard are "Alabama Arkansas".
  6. S

    I am NOT trying to spark debate LOL This is a serious question meant for REAL...

    ...answers? This is NOT about "Alt Med" in general,just about HERBS.....ONLY HERBS ;-) PLEASE NO RANTS!!!! I just want a SIMPLE answer....not FIFTEEN PARAGRAPHS that I don't even end up reading LOL Ok,I want to know why so many of you "disagree" so to speak about the use of HERBS...... If you...
  7. T

    Poll: Public Most Concerned With Bread-And-Butter Issues In Health Reform Debate

    Kaiser Health News staff writer Chris Weaver examines a Kaiser Family Foundation poll that "shows little movement in measures of public opinion" on health reform. About one-third like the current Democratic bills, another third want reform, but not what Democratic lawmakers have in mind and...
  8. T

    Senators Away For Holiday Continue Health Debate At Home

    Senators away for the Thanksgiving holiday are continuing the health care reform debate with constituents and are facing far less vitriol than during the August recess. CongressDaily: "In a memorandum to members, Senate Democratic leaders suggested this is a prime time to frame the debate...
  9. T

    Senate Personalities Shape, Debate Health Reform Bill

    The New York Times Prescriptions Blog reports on a ripple in "the Senate's predominant history as an old-boys' club." It notes that "to move the bill forward for full debate, the Democrats' last two crucial votes came from women: Senators Mary L. Landrieu of Louisiana and Blanche Lincoln of...
  10. J

    Boxing v MMA the age old debate?

    MMA hands down. More action, more fights, more fight based on FANS request.....not just money....cough don king cough
  11. J

    Would you prefer to debate the existence or non-existence of religion, or just

    go get a pizza? No anchovy jokes, please. Oh crap, I meant the existence or non-existence of God. Horrible mistake. Apologies too all. ?: You just couldn't resist, could ya?
  12. L

    Fun, interesting debate topics?

    I have to do a research paper with a friend over a debatable topic, she'll get one side of the issue, and I'll get the other. We want to steer clear of any hardcore issues, like abortion or homosexuality, but would like to opt for something more light-hearted. An example of what someone did...
  13. J

    Where do you stand on the whole "Blackberry/iPhone debate?

    So yeah, Blackberry or iPhone? Which is better? I'm getting a new phone soon and I need the best one. Which one is better, and why? Which one is worse, and why? Thanks.
  14. N

    Discuss the Huxley-Wilberforce debate on Darwin’s theory of evolution.?

    Present both sides of the argument.
  15. A

    Its hard to argue and debate with a television screen?

    And you wonder why so many people have turned to the internet for their information... Its because the people on the News Channels are either totally corrupt or controlled/corrupt opposition. The internet has way more people and supports true free speech and not liars and controlled opposition...
  16. H

    Atheist Vs. Religion... the big debate?

    I want as many responses as i can get... i want each side's story... defend your belief. first off f*** you people... this is a debate.... now give me more thourough answers... your making yourselves out to look like your the smartest people with down syndrome now give the people reading this...
  17. L

    Where do you stand on the whole "Blackberry/iPhone debate?

    So yeah, Blackberry or iPhone? Which is better? I'm getting a new phone soon and I need the best one. Which one is better, and why? Which one is worse, and why? Thanks.
  18. S

    Hi! Help me find a good and interesting topic to debate about?

    Hi! I need a good interesting topic. I'm currently thinking along the lines of legalization of marijuana, gay marriage, etc. but anything interesting would help (: thanks.
  19. J

    Debate: Judaism and Islam are the only monotheist religions?

    I dont want to mention why catholicism and christianity arent, just out of respect. (maybe christianity)
  20. A

    do u agree we should all gather to debate on which is the right religion?

    it is stupid waste of time for degerenate scum to partake in, we should be building our technology and get the fuck off this world, or will will become supernovao remnents,