
  1. D

    Where can I buy Adidas Original Decade Mid DJ in UAE?

    I Asked This Question Before But No Good Answers Please Answer Fast
  2. N

    Fashion has changed a lot this decade?

    If you look at styles in the early 2000s people wore, crop tops leather pants low rise jeans. baggy pants pants below butt, preppy look, sweatpants . Now it's skinny jeans, plaid shirts, leggings, bright colors, purple.
  3. C

    Best decade for fashion?

    the 90s ever watch the fresh prince? that sht is dope
  4. S

    How might the internet change in the next decade in regard to citizen...

    ...participation in government? Thanks so much for everyones answers Answer mine & ill answer yours C=
  5. G

    How has internet security changed in the last decade?

    The question I have is, how has internet security changed in the last decade? I have a text book from 1995 however I want to know what kind of things have been introduced since then to improve security, whether it be techniques, software, changes in operating systems, etc. Just the list of the...
  6. T

    Former deputy PM's prediction about global warming shows up a decade later --

    what can be done to limit impact? The paper states that the average estimate of a five-metre sea level rise should actually go up to seven metres. The seemingly small difference could submerge much of southern Florida, San Francisco, New York and Washington, D.C., while inundating parts of New...
  7. J

    best songs of the best decade: 1990's?

    hey guys i was just doing a little youtube surfing and came along fastball's out of my head and tal bachman's she's so high and i thought id pose a question to the yahoo answers community to see what the opinions on the best songs of the 90's were. so, whatcha got?
  8. J

    What rap is better? rap this decade or rap last decade?

    I mean most rappers today didn't even come from the hood( Bow Wow) Now they only talk about how they make millions and have sex with random girls with big azz and t!ts. Rap was all about attitude, real stuff happening, fighting, and rappers rapping for their hood. Unlike some rappers *coughs*...