
  1. M

    What can a degree in Parks, Recreation and Tourism do for you?

    I plan on transferring majors from business to Parks and Rec(other schools call it hospitality), concentrating in event planning. I was just wanting to know more about the degree and what exactly the degree entitles a person to. I know what kind of jobs a person can get, but I feel like I don't...
  2. C

    Which 360 degree cameria for iPhone 4 is the best?

    I've already got two apps 360 degree, and photosynth. I have to delete one. Is there another that's better?
  3. M

    What will i get to study in a Fashion Design degree in the UK?

    I want to study that and i will, doing my A levels right now. just got two more years to go until i go to university. I was just curious about what will i get to study. If any past fashion students could share their experience or they know about anyone studying this. I want to be mentally...
  4. S

    Is the college degree you earned/the degree you are pursuing representative

    of what you wanted? ...or what someone else hoaxed you into doing?
  5. K

    How can I make a living without a college degree, particularly something...

    ...that has to do with the outdoors? I live in busy New York and am not satisfied with its associated lifestyle. I am currently enrolled in college but hate school and am not motivated to even go to class. It's always been a dream of mine to move somewhere in the western United States (desert...
  6. S

    I'm wasting my time--need to pick a major/graduate with a degree that has

    application to the world...? Specifically, the majority of the world. I know people say to pick a major you are passionate about, but in the end I think you are only limiting yourself. 1. So thinking some of the things I'm really good at: .Thinking: Coming up with ideas/possible outcomes...
  7. P

    I have a son in law who is an industrial engineer (5yr degree) and he makes 170K?

    a year way more than my son that's a cop. No sh!t. That's why I wanted my son the cop to go to college. He risks his life every single day for 90k.. Do you think it's worth 90k to risk your life every time you go to work?? Politics is for the birds
  8. C

    If i have a degree in Criminal Justice will the airforce most likely place

    me in the security forces? I plan on joining the military (airforce) after I get my bachelors degree in criminal justice; however, l do not want to be in security forces when I join. I want to get a job in material management or any other technical job in the airforce. With a bachelors degree...
  9. F

    Will service in Korean Army and an engineering degree help me become a cop?

    Hello, I am a Korean American student (dual citizenship) and I am studying Engineering. However, I've always wanted to be a cop. After getting my engineering degree, I was thinking of joining the Korean Army for 2 years( it's mandatory). My rank won't be high since it's only 2 years though. I...
  10. L

    what a mechanical engineer BS degree benefits from information technology

    Graduate school for a future job? I have a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and now i am doing graduate school as IT major, i just want to know what benefit a Mechanical Engineer will have in the future on?
  11. E

    Which degree is more practical Business,nutrition or IT?

    I'm currently a nutrition major however I do not want to get a fruitless degree. I'm currently working in housekeeping at a hotel and I do not want to work in this type of environment all my life. Is it better to get a degree in a subject that is practical and useful than to get a degree that...
  12. W

    What to wear hiking in 67 degree weather?

    I'm hiking mount monadnock (3165 feet), about 60 miles northwest of boston. It's going to be 67 degrees and partly cloudy. What do I wear? Also, I don't have hiking boots. Can I just wear normal sneakers?
  13. K

    What other martial art should i take since i am a 2 degree black belt in karate?

    Reasons why i should choose that style personal experience etc.
  14. C

    Job opportunities for a B.S. Nutrition degree holder without the RD credential?

    I will have a B.S. degree in Nutrition but the University I went to didn't have an accredited program so I don't have an RD credential. What job opportunities will I have without it?
  15. N

    Would second degree assault as a juvenile show up on a fingerprint test?

    I am going into education and had to do some fingerprints to become a substitute. But when I was 16 i got arrested for second degree assualt. the person who got me arrested did not press charges and never had to go to court. i live in missouri. will this incident show up on my fingerprint...
  16. B

    Music or my degree in business?

    Im 21 n im having trouble deciding if i want to be a singer or keep working on my degree in business to be a Ceo. I love singing i practice everyday n i try 2 write my own sing but im 2 good at it but business i kno j good paying jobs i will be able to provide for my future family i have in AA...
  17. B

    Do you need a degree to be a successful writer?

    How hard is it to be z successful writer? Its my dream but I want to be realistic.
  18. B

    Do you need a degree to be a successful writer?

    How hard is it to be z successful writer? Its my dream but I want to be realistic.
  19. T

    Interested in a degree in computer hardware engineering?

    any opinions or websites i could learn more from? or books? im relatively new to this computer stuff but ive taken a liking to it. ive taken my laptop completely apart and put it back together a few times now, for no other reason than to just learn more. i understand the very basics when it...
  20. A

    Cool New Software Reveals Degree Of Photo Manipulation In Ads

    It's safe to assume that many of the images you see in magazines and advertisements have been digitally enhanced. Now a new tool from Dartmouth University computer scientists lets us see exactly how and to what extent such photoshopped images have been altered. What's so cool about the program...