
  1. J

    What is democracy and what was it supposed to be!?

    Is America a.... 1. Federal Republic. 2. Democratic Republic. 3. Democracy In your opinion what could make America better?
  2. M

    Religiously speaking, Is this how world's largest democracy conducts business ?

    I could not have believed it, had I not seen the name of Reuters; world's famous news agency. The image of India's politicians took another beating on Wednesday after two Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLAs were accused of watching pornography in the Gujarat assembly, just weeks after three...
  3. M

    quiz.. is the United States a Republic or a Democracy?

    dont google the answer..
  4. H

    Does democracy suffer from low public interest?

    Does democracy suffer from low public interest? Why and how does it suffer? or Why and how does it not suffer?
  5. C

    What is pluralistic democracy?

    I just am not getting lol
  6. M

    How did these religions contribute to democracy?

    christianity? Islam? The renaissance? The reformation?
  7. M


    I once asked someone "why can't everyone have the same amount of money so nobody starves and there's no crime" he said that type of society doesn't work, not everyone can have the same as one another. Does that mean that a society with crime, starvation, corruption and war function correctly to...
  8. R

    Progressives believed that great democracy was the key to solving

    society's problems.......? Progressives believed that great democracy was the key to solving society's problems.......Identify 3 problems that progressives addressed and for each describe a democratic reform that was designed to deal with the problem?? i know this is kinda a lil too much....but...
  9. R

    Progressives believed that great democracy was the key to solving

    society's problems.......? Progressives believed that great democracy was the key to solving society's problems.......Identify 3 problems that progressives addressed and for each describe a democratic reform that was designed to deal with the problem?? i know this is kinda a lil too much....but...
  10. G

    Why do people want change in Egypt? Why do the residents of Egypt want a democracy?

    Im writing an essay on Egypt's situation but i need a little help getting started.
  11. F

    Can Islam exist alongside Judaism, Christianity and Democracy?

    I have to do research about religion in my political science course. It specifically focuses on Islam and what it inherently is. I must also show the differences between the affects of Islam on European and Asian countries versus the United States. But right now, I just need to find out if...
  12. F

    Can Islam exist alongside Judaism, Christianity and Democracy?

    I have to do research about religion in my political science course. It specifically focuses on Islam and what it inherently is. I must also show the differences between the affects of Islam on European and Asian countries versus the United States. But right now, I just need to find out if...
  13. W

    Is the USA selling phony democracy and phony patrotism, only Sarah Palin types

    fall for phony USA? White people in usa are fat, dumb, arrogant, sexalot, has no culture and cant' cook? if you like to live a life of sin as identified in the christian bible, then go live in USA, you will like it where sin is celebrated and prevalent. if you are moral and live with integrity...
  14. J

    Do you think democracy is a modernized version of religion?

    In my head this is how I look at things: STEP 1: Humans began thinking. STEP 2: We created rules and taught them these rules. Example: Don't go on that rock over there because a mountain lion lives over there. STEP 3: We then started coming up with explanations to life's mysteries...
  15. C

    Christians: If Christ is your king, how then can you still believe in democracy?

  16. B

    Argue for the proposition: The new US Constitution was a triumph for democracy?

    Three main supportive arguments in my essay that I could discuss?
  17. N

    Does Democracy Really Mesh With Today's Traditional Religions?

    I mean personally i think that most Traditional Religions were built around someone who was supposedly appointed by God to teach people how to live & act. And that it is God not the people who appoints this person. And they reveal themselves to the people through their words & actions & are...
  18. M

    ory of a weaker person @ u s american democracy: funny: true : not...

    ...true:no idea : comment denied? 7.29. 2010 Yahoo!My Yahoo!MailMore News Cricket Movies FitnanceMake Y! My HomepageGet Yahoo! ToolbarAccount OptionsHi, MattProfile Contacts Applications Account Info You are signed in as: [email protected] OutHelpSearchweb search Home Browse Categories...
  19. D

    Do conservatives want to sabotage Democracy, so they can introduce an

    Aristocracy and Theocracy? I imagine they want an aristocracy of big business tycoons running the country and below that state paid clergy to brainwash and control the masses.
  20. G

    Democracy Corps Poll

    This is very interesting. Have a look at the PDF, I'd love your opinion. Hat tip: Chuck Todd. Read the comments on this post... More...