
  1. S

    Look at the comic made of a democrat male.?
  2. K

    Do republicans realize their anti democrat rant about spending is hypocritical?

    republicans spend as well when they are in office,just on dumb crap like weapons and war and walls.why do they think they are above all when they cant even help out poor people here,and want it all to go to companies that give money to republican intrests and agendas??
  3. J

    Why won't any Democrat introduce Obama's Jobs bill in the House?

    What happened to "Pass this bill Now"
  4. DeFault1

    If you're a republican or a democrat, can you vote for Ron Paul?

    As in a registered republican or democrat?
  5. A

    Democrat protesters do $7.5 million in damage to Wisconsin's historic State...

    ...Capital! Hows that make you feel? Well the numbers are in! The govt. worker unions protesting in Madison WI have the state capital building not only STINKING of URINE but have done $7.5 million dollars in damage!! How does this make you feel?
  6. R

    wouldnt it be easier for a democrat to change the channel rather than complain

    about what they are watching? i mean seriously.CHANGE THE FREAKING CHANNEL shovel you are one funny s.o.b. tribecca your a prime example of why people block other people.your blocked
  7. S

    In the Kite Runner, is Baba a democrat or republican?

    In the novel the Kite Runner, Baba (Amir's father) has some strong political views, what are they?
  8. B

    Are you a hard working Blue Collar Democrat?

    Or a white collar Elitist who tend to vote big money Republican who have NO concept about what hard work is really like ?
  9. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  10. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  11. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  12. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  13. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  14. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  15. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  16. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  17. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  18. J

    Can you name me one democrat that is running on their planned Cap-N-Trade, a huge... hike on energy? It looks like the Marxist cowards would rather call people names instead of running on their agenda and their "blessings" that they've given the American people. Democrap Cowards!
  19. A

    Did the Democrat Party just rang a bell that I wanted to hear = stop outsourcing US

    jobs? By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS, Associated Press Writer Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 5 mins ago WASHINGTON – These are two remarkably different visions for governing America. Republicans are pledging to shrink the government, cut taxes and undo health care and...
  20. G

    Do the loyal democrat "teabaggers" resent their homo moniker being misused

    to describe? describe an opposing political movement?