I hate things I do. I just want to be good. I can be so mean sometimes. I'm a really nice person, but sometimes if I haven't slept well; I can get very cranky. Sometimes I get depressed. My depression turns into angry. Im just disgusted with myself. How do I allow myself to be mean to people...
First of please know that I would like Lebanon to be a country where there is no political sectarianism but for now thats how things are; we need to change, but thats not through putting the Orthodox Electoral law.
In a democratic society; Christians would only get one third of the parliament...
Does Abraham Lincoln deserve the name "The Great Emancipator?" Why or why not?
I need some help on this issue! Any sites or books would help a lot. Recommend me anything that helps.
Last week, I wrote about Congress' now-famous "pizza as a vegetable" decision, which made sweeping cuts to a bill that would change the current standards of nutrition for public school lunches, and what's presently considered "healthy" for kids. Included in the cuts? Language stating that a tiny...
For your viewing pleasure, the Jays Hart and Busbee debate the merits of giving a second wild card when nobody really seems to deserve it. Watch the video, check the awesome decor in my office, and have your say on our little topic below. Go!
i have to write this essay but i suck at hamlet. please can someone give me an example of who hamlet vented his anger when the other person didn't deserve it.
Like, I'm not familiar with any male sexist jokes, just the female ones.
Like I can be in a group of male peers, and then one will say I should be in the kitchen, or something else ridiculous. I'm in engineering, there aren't too many women in my classes, so I'm like a target for these jokes...
We ordered the Dell 8300 and it needs a replacement in the motherboard called Intel Sandy Bridge Recall. We never received an email or letter about this recall and have had the computer for 2 months already. I am not very happy at all. We all have to wait till April 2,2011 until it will be...
We ordered the Dell 8300 and it needs a replacement in the motherboard called Intel Sandy Bridge Recall. We never received an email or letter about this recall and have had the computer for 2 months already. I am not very happy at all. We all have to wait till April 2,2011 until it will be...
I give credit to him and his offensive for scoring 24 points on the Steelers
but in my opinion the defense won this championship
I guess I just wanted to see someone other than a Quarterback get the SB MVP
Every time Tebow has been put in a game this year he has done nothing but score TDs. He is by far the more dynamic player on the field and the more moral person off the field. In his first start he has already run for a 40 yard TD. Do you think he deserves Rookie of the Year over Sam Bradford...
As I was looking through the Talmud, I came across this section (Sanhedrin 58b)
-Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be
-Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owedhim for work
-Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile...
Romans 1:28-30
28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife...