
  1. B

    in my opinion, Mrs.Fritzl deserves compassion, not judgement, do you agree?

    Josef Fritzl was a tyrant who terrified not only his daughter but also his wife. I feel that his wife is in some ways as much of a victim as his daughter Elisabeth and the grandchildren he had with her. Battered wives, (and the abuse can be emotional and verbal, not necessarily physical or...
  2. X

    i no nobody deserves to die or anything but jade goody isnt the only one with cancer

    there are many reasons why she has publishised her illness... firstly to raise money for her childrens education , secondly so others are aware that even at a young age like jades this happens, and could very well be a wake up call some of us need.. i agree no one wants to see a woman or...
  3. C

    What celebrity deserves a good April Fool's Day prank, and what prank should it be?

    I'd put Nair in Mariah Carey's conditioner
  4. J

    Who deserves the UFC light heavyweight belt?

    Rampage won tonight against Jardine.. But is it Evans, Jackson or Machida?? I want to see Machida against anyone in the LHW division and simply take their manhood. Machida is a "boring" fighter but is amazing with his technique over Anyone in the UFC. If he holds the belt, he will not be losing...
  5. 2

    Poll: Who deserves more "attacks" Celebrities or Politicians?

    People love to bash celebrities, but yet they don't have an impact on us as much as politicians have. All these Miley Bashers, Britney Bashers, ect...... Politicians or Celebrities?
  6. N

    Which celebrity most deserves a custard pie in the face or to be knocked out

    with a frozen fish? This Q was kind of inspired by somebody who clearly has vast amounts of vindictiveness towards celebs - which should be applauded after all. On further reflection, it could be and/or as some deserve the custard pie as a stunner and the frozen fish as a homerun hit.
  7. C

    What celeb deserves a pie in the face?

  8. M

    who else here thinks lyoto machida deserves a ufc title shot?

    i think in fairness to the man hes beaten some big names,hes also the fighter with the least amount of hits on him he never gets marked in a scrap and he is undefeated.
  9. P

    out of all the celebrities, which one do you think least deserves the fame?

    i think K-FED is a waste of fame... what has he ever done other then date brittney spears and make a horrible rap song?