
  1. S

    Developing apps for android: java/c++/flash?

    I've come around a lot of stuff so before I start talking about any of that I'd like mention that I know flash and c++ and would prefer a lot to work in them instead of java and it's limited syntax. even though there are many people who are saying that yea you can make an android app in flash...
  2. A

    Developing Iphone Apps - Test the program before purchase?

    I am interested in developing an Iphone Application. I was wondering if there was a way to test the program for free, without being bound to an agreement or having to purchase the program?
  3. E

    Do we require any basic training of C++ or java for developing symbian apps?

    Developing applications for a smartphone requires you to be smart. Which also implies not asking such question on Yahoo! Answers but rather on a site populated by Symbian developers, such as or They have plenty of documentation and tutorials there, and...
  4. J

    How can we use technology in the near future to help people in the developing world?

    I have to come up with a project or idea foe school. Thanks for your answers!
  5. T

    Touch Vs. iPad, for developing apps?

    alright, so i want to start programming apps on one of Apple's mobiles devices. which one should i get? will the older (2nd gen) touches be able to help with the development? do i need to get a 32gb iPad? will anything do? i don't want or need an iPhone right now, so don't go in to that...
  6. L

    How to get started on developing apps for iPhone?

    I'm a senior in high school, and I really want to make apps for the iPhone, and, as of today, Mac's. I'm decent at Java, and interested in coding languages, although I feel like I have no sources to learn Objective-C or anything about Cocoa. I also feel like languages besides Java/HTML are way...
  7. T

    Techniques for developing a plot?

    I have this pretty good idea for a story, and i'm just working the characters out. It's going pretty smooth really, but there's this one part that's missing, a key plot element and i just can't seem to think something up. It should be easy, and everyone says it's not that difficult, but i just...
  8. T

    Cancer Patients Are At An Almost Five-Fold Increased Risk Of Developing Listeria

    Research by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) has shown that cancer patients have a five-fold increased risk of developing listeria than people with other underlying conditions - and that those with cancers of the blood have the greatest risk. These findings are published in the journal of...
  9. B

    I'm using nokia 72,and recently i have started developing problem on

    it.Whenever i d/o ebuddy? or any other social network application, I keep getting connection failed,inspite of being connected thru wifi. Can nyone please temme how to resolve this issue?? Its not been a year also since i got this mobile. :(
  10. H

    How can me and my friend start developing android apps?

    My friend and I would like to start developing software and plan on starting by developing Android apps. We don't know anything about writing programs though and want to know what we should learn first? Should we learn how to use the Android sdk? or should we start learning how to write code...
  11. T

    Nicaragua Is First Developing Country To Launch Historic Immunization Program Against

    Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) announced that Prevenar 13 (Pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine [13-valent, adsorbed]) was introduced into the first childhood immunization program for pneumococcal disease (PD) in the developing world under the auspices of the Advance Market Commitment (AMC)...
  12. T

    Rate Of Health Care-Associated Infections In Developing Countries More Than Double U.

    The rate of health care-associated infections in developing countries is more than three times the rate of cases in the U.S. and more than double the rate in Europe, according to a study published Friday in the Lancet, BBC reports (12/9)... More...
  13. S

    Do we require any basic training of C++ or java for developing symbian apps?

    I'm a16 year old boy and I'm interested in developing apps for S60. I have not learnt Java or C or C++ and I see a great potential for this platform. The sdk available for download is for the 5th edition. Since I don't know these languages, is there any book out there which would help me to...
  14. E

    We need to use OCR for iphone for a couple of apps we are developing. Is

    there some well applications? Our company developed iphone apps for our clients. We need to use OCR for iphone for a couple of apps we are developing. Is there some well applications? Thank you.
  15. T

    NABP Developing System To Link Prescription Monitoring Programs Across States To Faci

    In response to an expressed need by prescription monitoring program (PMP) administrators for a way to facilitate the sharing and exchanging of data among PMP systems, the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) will be developing an interconnected communications hub for state PMPs...
  16. K

    How is international trade good and bad for developing countries?

    Protesters of WTO summits and FTAA organizational meeting argue that international trade can cause serious hardship, such as poverty, for developing countries. Prepare a responce that considers both sides of the question.
  17. T

    Letter Asks G20 Leaders To Support Financial Transactions Tax To Help Developing Coun

    "G20 leaders meeting in Seoul this week are being asked to commit to plans for a 'Robin Hood Tax' on financial transactions," reports. "A letter signed by 183 organisations from 42 countries, including members of the U.K.-based Robin Hood Tax campaign, is being sent to leaders to...
  18. P

    Best resource for developing iOS applications other than Apple's website?

    What are some good places to learn how to use Apple's SDK and Objective C, such as websites or online forums?
  19. S

    Do we require any basic training of C++ or java for developing symbian apps?

    I'm a16 year old boy and I'm interested in developing apps for S60. I have not learnt Java or C or C++ and I see a great potential for this platform. The sdk available for download is for the 5th edition. Since I don't know these languages, is there any book out there which would help me to...
  20. S

    Do we require any basic training of C++ or java for developing symbian apps?

    I'm a16 year old boy and I'm interested in developing apps for S60. I have not learnt Java or C or C++ and I see a great potential for this platform. The sdk available for download is for the 5th edition. Since I don't know these languages, is there any book out there which would help me to...