Vampire Diaries fans, what do you make of this new development?
Are you glad Stefan is moving on with this new lady friend, or do you think he needs to make room for a certain blonde in that bed of his? Drop a comment with your thoughts below.
A study published in the July edition of Genome Biology says genetic matter, previously ignored by the scientific community, may play an important role in cancer.
The study by the St. Laurent Institute, a non-profit medical research institute focused on the systems biology of disease, a...
I'm in quite the dilemma in choosing what field to go for. I have a great opportunity in the chemistry field, but I'm not sure how the future holds for chemistry or if the salary would be satisfying enough. I think that future technology and development would be fun to be a part of. Taking a...
The scientific cooperation between chemists, biotechnologists and physicists from various Catalan institutes, headed by Pau Gorostiza, from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), and Ernest Giralt, from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), has led to a...
Sperm doesn't appear to forget anything. Stress felt by dad - whether as a preadolescent or adult - leaves a lasting impression on his sperm that gives sons and daughters a blunted reaction to stress, a response linked to several mental disorders. The findings, published in a new preclinical...
Slowdowns in the transport and delivery of nutrients, proteins and signaling molecules within nerve cells may contribute to the development of the neurodegenerative disorder ALS, according to researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine. The researchers showed how a...
In the new season of Arrested Development, it's hard not to notice how different Portia de Rossi's character, Lindsay Bluth, looks. More »
New Season Of Arrested Development Fuels Portia de Rossi Surgery Speculation is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness &...
An integrated system of stroke care delivery in Ontario, Canada, has resulted in fewer deaths from stroke and fewer discharges to long-term care facilities because of better access to optimal stroke care, according to a study published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Stroke is a...
Arrested Development Cast Spills Five Hilarious "Spoilers"—Including What's in David
Step aside, Jon Hamm. You aren't the only man packing something totally obvious inside your pants, mmm-kay? We sat down with the Arrested Development cast to sleuth out...
Researchers at USC have found that a class of pharmaceuticals can both prevent and treat Alzheimer's Disease in mice. The drugs, known as "TSPO ligands," are currently used for certain types of neuroimaging. "We looked at the effects of TSPO ligand in young adult mice when pathology was at an...
I am student of CSE. I have basic idea of programing C but haven't c++. Now i want to learn java programing. anyone can help me to give your experience. How much time take to learn java programming for android apps development. I'm serious to learn java.
Thank U :)
A large, multi-institutional research team involved in the NIH Epigenome Roadmap Project has published a sweeping analysis in the current issue of the journal Cell on how genes are turned on and off to direct early human development. Led by Bing Ren of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research...
It's the final countdown. Arrested Development makes its highly anticipated return into our lives on Sunday, May 26. And for those of you who failed math class, yes, that's just...
hello everyone.. i currently started a new company in US to provide apps for iPhone and i need to find a company in India which provides quality development for iphone apps.. any suggestion???
Researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center say identifying and selecting participants for phase II cancer clinical trials from a centralized warehouse of patient-donated biological data expedites participant accrual, reduces trial size, saves money, and may speed test drugs through the drug...
Two new studies add to the growing evidence that spending time outdoors may help prevent or minimize nearsightedness in children. A study conducted in Taiwan, which is the first to use an educational policy as a public vision health intervention, finds that when children are required to spend...
Using the concepts: phenomenal field, conditions of worth, unconditional and conditional self regard and the actualizing tendency to analyze Precious Jones personality. Does she move towards self-actualization?
(please help)...