
  1. R

    My rats genitals are swollen and a few seconds ago yellow discharge & blood was

    coming out? whats goin on? It doesn't seem like its hurting her, (she is a girl btw) I'm going to take her to the vet as soon as possible, but I'd just like a general idea of whats going on so I'm not completely in the dark.. Any ideas????
  2. H

    Why do i get white discharge in my underware twice a month?

    I have not had my period yet, but i keep getting discharge now for about 6 months now. People keep saying oh your periods coming but it hasn't come so i dont know what this is. It doesn't really have an odor but occasinally i get itchy, what could all this mean? Please Help Me!!
  3. N

    when will i get my period ? (discharge)?

    well ive had it for about a month jan so will i get my period in like july june or august> i think it started on like the 2nd week of jan or earlier its very annoying i change my undies everytime i change and i feel like i am wetting my self please help
  4. H

    i have vaginal discharge.?

    those that mean a am going to get my period soon.
  5. T

    brown discharge coming out of my vagina?

    this is pretty embarassing but when i put my finger up the vagina, a lot of brown liquid with little chunks come out, not bloody type, or no smell either...this is the first time it's ever happened, i'm very worried and i havent had period for about a month and a half.. anyone expereinced this?
  6. H

    Sorry to ask this/ Vaginal Discharge?

    OK. Please don't ask me to ask my mom. I haven't talked to her in over 2 years. I don't even know where she is. OK. Well, I missed my period for 2 months. I think it was because of stress. (theres alot of it going around lol) well, I got my period this month and it's not a constant bleed...
  7. A

    HELP! I have BROWN Vaginal Discharge :(?

    Can someone tell me what's wrong with me? I'm 15, a virgin and i'm getting a brown smelly discharge with a "fishy" odour. Its bothering me so much. I wash and shower, and wipe myself after using the toilet but after a while the smell comes back. Its not ovbious when walking around fully dressed...
  8. M

    I have white vaginal discharge, how does fish oil 1000mg help it?

    My doctor says because i have excessive estrogen in my bloodstream, it causes my reproductive system to produce excessive hormones and cause wetness. He encouraged me to get take a liver cleanser to clean out the excessive estrogen liver, and to take fish oil 1000 mg per meal. How does the...
  9. K

    Very small amount of light brown discharge?

    I normally have daily discharge, but this morning it was light brown, but most definitely brown. Normally I get this for a day or two after my period, however, my period won't start until next Thursday, a week from today (I'm on birth control). It didn't last for very long and I haven't had it...
  10. O

    fluid discharge smtimes yellow and smtimes white in 35th week of pregnency?

    i am suffering in a bad back pain ,when i see to my GP or midwife they used to say its normal in pregnency,i also a heavy discharge sinc 3 weeks smtimes yellow and somtimes white,non smelly,greecy,transparent with water.its my first baby,my due date is 12th MAR.my baby is in downwards all the...
  11. K

    clear vaginal discharge?

    i was doing the dishes when all the sudden i felt something coming out of me ... so i went to the bathroom and i saw this clear transparent very close to white fluid on my panties ... was that my egg ? i shouldn't be ovulating at this moment just yesterday my period stopped ... im confused...
  12. A

    greenish discharge..... please help?

    im 15 and late on my period by a little over a week. just a couple days ago i noticed a greenish discharge when i wiped. idk wat it is or why its happening. im not sexually active. can you help tell me what it is?? i cant go to a doctor for a while, my parents are on a cruise and who i am with...
  13. T

    yellow discharge......?

    i been having stomach pain and yellow discharge for a month ago what wrong with me
  14. S

    discharge smells of vinegar?

    From time to time, I've experienced a strong vinegar-like smelling discharge. It isn't itchy or abnormal in any other way. Has anyone experienced something similar? I'm not sure what to do, because it comes for a few days, and then things are normal again. Any suggestions?
  15. M

    white discharge?????????????????

    i got my period and it lasted 3 days. it started for the first time on january 23rd of 09 and stopped on the 26th. my period should be coming soon?? why do i have discharge then?
  16. L

    i have really bad discharge im 14 im no longer a virgin its thick guppy stuff...

    ...should i be concerned of an std ? please help me
  17. A

    yellow discharge question?

    I am late on getting my period I was supposed to start the 5th ! well I have been feeling a little blah and bloated and I have been a little cramps and really crabby well yesterday I had a little yellow discharge with no smell what could this be from is it normal ?
  18. M

    Chunky-ish white vaginal discharge?

    Throughout the month, I generally have a sort of chunky white vaginal discharge-- there's not a whole ton of it (enough that I can just wipe it off and it's gone), but enough that there's usually some there when I go to the bathroom. I've never really thought much of it, since whenever I go to...
  19. B

    Discharge after period and sex question?

    First please do not answer with simple one fragment sentences that wont help me at all. Okay after and sometimes before my period I have a whitish discharge and sometimes it has a slightly yellow tint. The smell is stronger than usual. (It doesn't smell bad, it's just stronger) It only happens...
  20. J

    dark brown discharge?

    okay so i'm 15 and havn't had sex with anyone since end of December/ early January. not sure. and my period was last time 2 weeks ago but i have been getting really dark, gross,thick discharge.. disgusting i know. but idk wat it could be? also im on birth control so idk if that has anything to...