
  1. C

    Why haven't the police charged Chris Brown with Domestic Violence yet? Is... really because he's a celebrity?;_ylt=AtGVglFNyfqP.JzJtBX9Vzes0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTI5a2M0OTc1BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkwMjIwL3Blb3BsZV9yaWhhbm5hBHBvcwMxOARzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawN0bXpwb3N0c3Bob3Q- If this were an average Joe who did...
  2. R

    100's of billions in Iraq/Afghanistan~and now you complain about the domestic

    front and overwhelming needs ? right here in your own country? I heard Mccain complaining this morning that the US population hadn't had a chance to review the "Bill" ~~and that Obama had promised that everyone would be able to read it. Duh. McCain already admitted that he wasn't computer...
  3. E

    Domestic violence in gay relationships.?

    I've been hearing people say that a man shouldn't put his hands on a woman no matter what even if she hit you you're suppose to just walk away and I started thinking does that mean hitting in a gay relationship is fair game. I know it's not but I wonder how would society respond in i.e Chris...
  4. S

    Domestic travel with US passport ( expires in July 9, 2009)?

    I am traveling to florida from new york in march 6, 2009 and I dun have a driver's license yet. Do i need to renew the passport or i am good to go?
  5. F

    Where can you buy kegs of domestic lite beer in Portland Oregon?

    We have a kegerator and can find wonderful microbrews, but we are having a problem finding domestic lite beers in kegs. Does anyone know where you can find them?
  6. E

    gay men domestic violence?

    I'm a male and I was in a domestic violence relationship a few years ago. She was physically and emotionally abusive and when I told her it was over she started throwing everything in sight at me. Neighbors called the cops and they hauled her off to the psych ward and left me with a bunch of...
  7. I

    Would a lion/tiger kill a domestic cat?

    well? And no Im not buying a lion, Where on earth would a 14 year old find a lion? Would be pretty cool though.
  8. R

    Does anyone know of a travel agent accepting paypal for UK domestic flights?

    Im have some money in my paypal account and id like to book some flights to london using this cash, does anyone know of an airlines or travel agent that will let me use paypal to pay for seats from Edinburgh to London. Thanks