
  1. O

    how do you tune your guitar to play music like fall out boy ect.?

    its not like iwatnt to play them its just that alot of bands are playing with the same sound as them
  2. E

    Why do high school students drink, smoke, chew, ect when the know its illegal?

    alot of teenagers drink alcohol, party(with alcohol) chew and smoke..basically do drugs when they know its illegal?
  3. B

    What is the next award show? When is the award show? And what station is it on? Ect.

    cbs, nbc, abc, fox.? Awards show like Emmy awards, Academy Awards, Oscar Awards and so on...
  4. G

    Help Me Get Rid Of Flu, Migraine, Ect?

    I Have The Flu, A Migraine And Just Strted Birth Control A Week And A Half Ago But Still Got My Period Just Esterday Which Is Waaaay Early. What Will Help Me Get Over The Flu Faster, Help My Head And I Guess Im Gonna Go To The Doctor For The Third Problem.
  5. L

    Thinking of buying an Audi TT next year..Insurance quotes ect.?

    im quite young..but ive researched this and if i keep my job down id be able to afford this. would be my 2nd car. Any advice? obviously wouldnt buy a new one.. what sort of price would i expect for a good quality one? also.. car insurance.. what websites are the best to find out approx...
  6. S

    Cheap fashion/shoes/bags ect. in sydney ?

    i know that there's cotton on, valley girl, jayjays, ses fashion what else is there ? also i dont have a credit card so i cant buy things online thanks alot :)
  7. A

    how do i take care of my triops and fish and sharks and ccrabs ect.?

    ok i got some triops help me teach m how to take care of them and can i have some info on how to take care of sharks and fish which can live together and aquarium size willing to pay $1000 for tank so tell me what i shud get and the shark and fish names HURRY plz! :) i need answers plz and...
  8. G

    What to look for in long boards (trucks, bearing, decks, wheels ect.) ?

    I live in Raleigh North Carolina, I am a beginning long boarder. I have been looking at Loaded boards. They look like they are very smooth and great for carving. It would be nice to have some input on that also.
  9. B

    New ATT phones other than the quickfire, propel ect..?

    Other than the quickfire, propel, matrix, eternity and all them are there any new 09' releases? Please if you can show a link with a picture and what they do that would help if not just a name would help and i can search it myself, thanks