
  1. L

    bell canada employee discounts?

    i might be getting a job at bell world, the phone store and i was wondering if there was any sort of discounts regarding monthly rate plans or even cell phones. if anyone has worked there recently and wants to help me out that would be greaaaat. thanks!
  2. K

    I got the lounge bar in restaurant city but I didn't get another employee?

    The "hire a friend" thing didn't show up. What should I do?
  3. T

    Who invented the Snickers Bar? Also, who was the first Mars employee?

    I want the specific person, not the ''Mars Family.'' Can someone answer this please! And, whp was the first Mars employee? Is it Tom Dattalo? Because, he's my great grandfather.
  4. L

    have you ever or seen a customer back up a employee who was arguing with a customer?

    i was in line and the lady infront was arguing about a sale price on some nutrition bars and the lady behind me told her off saying to shut the F up B***** dont talk to her like that and just pay the god damn food. I was shock this happened but felt the lady deserved it
  5. J

    What is the average minimum wage for a employee at a fast food resturant such...

    ...a taco bell, or burger king? i want a job and need to know the minimum wage for it
  6. S

    new employee at taco bell?

    how long does it normally take to learn everything?
  7. P

    Employee phone directory deluxe v3.3-falafel

    Category: PC-0day Size: 10.56 MB Files: 13 (9 pars) Group: a.b.inner-sanctum .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri May 7th 23:19:17 UTC Download NZB
  8. P

    Employee phone directory deluxe v3.3-falafel

    Category: PC-0day Size: 10.56 MB Files: 13 (9 pars) Group: a.b.inner-sanctum .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri May 7th 23:19:17 UTC Download NZB
  9. R

    Exact name of a DMV employee who gives you the driving exam?

    What do they call the people who give you your driving exam at the DMV? The ones who are with you in the car at the time of the test and the ones that say if you pass or fail?
  10. G

    Bank of America Employee Charged With Planting Malware on ATMs [Fraud]

    A Bank of America worker installed*malicious*software on his employer's ATMs that allowed him to make thousands of dollars in*fraudulent*withdrawals, all without*leaving a transaction record, according to federal prosecutors. More »
  11. J

    t-mobile radioshack employee plan details?

    i work at radioshack. i am currently on sprint's employee plan but we're JUST getting t-mobile at my store. i was considering switching over to a t-mobile employee plan BUT i still have never even met my rep and so no one has any details for me. anyone know what the plan consists of. talk time...
  12. H

    Is it appropriate for Hallmark to notify an employee of his firing in a...

    ...greeting card?. What would be an? appropriate jingle and message?
  13. E

    How do I block employee monitoring software?

    The owner of the company where I work has installed msn spy software on his PC. If the PC that I use was his that would be fine, but I provide my own PC and do not feel in that case he has a right to see it. Is there a way to block him from this?
  14. G

    What are the T-mobile Employee benefits(phone discounts, Plan costs)?

    I am currently in the interview process and just want to know 1. How much do employees get off phones(%) 2. What are the plan charges...please Id like straight forward answers
  15. R

    Employee indemnity payment in bahrain?

    Hi.... i just wanted to ask! about the computation of the employee indemnity payment and what are the requirements. Coz my mom is working for a saloon for almost 13yrs and she just got her visa 7yrs ago. And now she is under medication and no longer working. They computed it on the start when...
  16. G

    Best Buy Employee Holiday Guide Pseudo-Reveals BlackBerry, Nokia, Android Launches [C

    Today's Best Buy leak takes the form of a who's who of holiday hardware releases for the retailer's mobile department: Nokia Booklet netbook - October 25th launch (AT&T activation) Sprint HTC Hero - October 11th Sprint Palm Pixi - launch date TBD Verizon Storm II - launch date TBD Verizon...
  17. P

    Wal-Mart Employee Satisfaction Survey?

    Please if you are a Wal-Mart employee, click on the link to take this survey for a research project I am working on. It is only 14 to 15 questions and will only take you about 10 minutes of your time. Thanks in advance...
  18. A

    What is the legal age for an employee to sell tobacco in oregon?

    I am 17 and need to know whether or not i can be employed where I sell tobacco products, I know in some states there are no laws regarding this but in others you must be 16 or 18.
  19. P

    Is there any t-mobile employee on here that can help me?

    Is it possible that you can get me the unlock network MEP code for a t mobile blackberry curve 8320 if i send you the IMEI code
  20. P

    Is there any t-mobile employee on here that can help me?

    Is it possible that you can get me the unlock network MEP code for a t mobile blackberry curve 8320 if i send you the IMEI code