I want to know how to sync my Android calendar to my Google calendar. I can already get Google calendar events on to my phone, but I can't figure out how to do it the other way around... Thanks in advance! :)
A new study led by University of North Carolina School of Medicine researchers is the first to identify a genetic risk factor for persistent pain after traumatic events such as motor vehicle collision and sexual assault. In addition, the study contributes further evidence that persistent pain...
Eisenhower, and Kennedy? What were the key trends and events in the cold war under president Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy? Also what caused the cold war, and who offered the wisest policy solutions to its execution?
Let's say some group joins together in America and want to oppose the government and they send their messages by terrorizing U.S events? What would the U.S do to take these actions?
Welcome to Teeing Off, where Devil Ball editor Shane Bacon and national columnist Jay Busbee take a day's topic and smack it all over the course. Suggest a future topic by hitting us on Twitter at@shanebacon and @jaybusbee. Today we talk 14-year-old Tianlang Guan and if overexposure on the PGA...
90's tv shows when i was a little kid i watched a tv show that had a girl and a guy some cops or i don't remember and had some people from the future coming back in time to see historical events like a bombing that killed allot of people and they wanted to see it happen i don't remember the name...
Heart attack patients given a combination of high-dose oral vitamins and minerals do not exhibit a significant reduction in recurrent cardiac events, according to research presented at the American College of Cardiology's 62nd Annual Scientific Session. However, the results of one component of...
I wish to meet one direction justin bebier demi lovato there my idols i love them why cant they organize anything in the bronx but can in more far places just asking
high? Not sure of why this excites me; Is it the drugs I enjoy, my ego, a red flag, my shallow love of visuals or a combination? Do other love the look of the perfectly wasted party boy?
After a cautious and rigorous analysis of national malpractice claims, Johns Hopkins patient safety researchers estimate that a surgeon in the United States leaves a foreign object such as a sponge or a towel inside a patient's body after an operation 39 times a week, performs the wrong...
A group of scientists has made the startling claim that professional football matches are taking place in the middle of events across Europe that were previously thought to be exclusively devoted to watching a relative few engage in racism, homophobia and anti-semitism. Though the findings have...
I am seeking to get my Outlook Calendar events to show up on my Galaxy S2. Does anyone have any suggestions? My wife has been sending me events, but I can't see them on my phone and they don't show up on my calendar.
Ribbon Dancing, Synchronized Diving, Curling? These Olympic events push the definition of "sport" nearly to its breaking point but aren't even close to the oddest in the Games' 116 year history. Our friends at Oobject have assembled twelve contests that take the gold for absurdity. More »
I was thinking about death the other day, and thinking what a bummer it would be if I died before Friday and didn't get to see the new Men in Black movie.
If you're in Heaven, would there still be silly desires like that?
And what would you wish to get to see?
And no, I'm not sick, I just have...