
  1. C

    book for homemade facial scrubs and spa recipes?

    I am looking for the best book of recipes for face masks, scrubs, and others. It is hard to know the best book with the most for my money.
  2. T

    What Facial hair style should I have?

    Ok im 15 but believe I can grow an almost full beard. Im from a very hairy family. So I can grow it thick around the neck, chin and sideburns. The mustache takes a while to become noticeable but nonetheless it can still be thick. And my facial hair is black. And its not all that thick...
  3. C

    Try out an old recipe facial mask?

    My family had this old mask recipe that been around for generations. Its a avocado mask and no one in my family had tried it in a while. I was wondering if your brave enough to try it out. The mask contains one ripe avocado. You put it in the blender or mash it by hand. You add some milk like...
  4. M

    does facial make up consider to be a fashion?

    When we say fashion does it refers only to clothing ? Do facial make up and others also fall into the same category that we called fashion ?
  5. M

    does facial make up consider to be a fashion?

    When we say fashion does it refers only to clothing ? Do facial make up and others also fall into the same category that we called fashion ?
  6. I

    Why'd I dream I grew facial hair?

    I was actually kind of excited. I always wanted a beard when I was a toddler. Then I realized other people would think it's weird and I'd have to shave :( and I woke up.
  7. I

    Why'd I dream I grew facial hair?

    I was actually kind of excited. I always wanted a beard when I was a toddler. Then I realized other people would think it's weird and I'd have to shave :( and I woke up.
  8. T

    Concern About Risks With Total Facial Rejuvenation In A Single Session Are Unfounded

    Multiple facial rejuvenation techniques can be safely and effectively performed in combination during a single operative session under local anesthesia, researchers reported here at a meeting of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS). Brian Somoano, MD, a dermatologic surgery...
  9. T

    American Academy Of Facial Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Urges House Of Represen

    With a vote in the House of Representatives on comprehensive healthcare reform legislation as soon as this weekend, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (AAFPS) strongly urges its members and the public to tell their local representatives to vote NO. The AAFPRS...
  10. E

    POLL: do you like facial piercings and?

    Facial piercings, like nose, eyebrow, cheek, lip, etc? and ear stretching? what do you think about them?
  11. T

    Cellular Origins Of Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour Disease Pinpointed

    An international team of scientists has found that cells that protect nerves are likely to be the origins of a fatal cancer known as Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) that is spreading rapidly through populations of Tasmanian devils in Australia: if unchecked, scientists estimate the cancer...
  12. M

    Does anyone know a good book about microexpressions,the Facial Action...

    ...Coding System, and body language? I am getting very interested with the use of studying microexspessions and body language to determine what is going through someones mind at the time.I mainly want to learn the specifics of detecting deception.So i ask,Is there any good and informative books...
  13. M

    Q&A: Causes of constant facial flushing?

    [No message]
  14. G

    how long would it take for bells palsy to kill the facial nerve?

    one of my friends has been diagnosed with bell palsy. i have been doing alot of reading about it but i havent been able to find how long it might take for a constrained nerve to die. i know people have recovered completley as long as 6 months after the onset of bells palsy. but how long would a...
  15. G

    how long would it take for bells palsy to kill the facial nerve?

    one of my friends has been diagnosed with bell palsy. i have been doing alot of reading about it but i havent been able to find how long it might take for a constrained nerve to die. i know people have recovered completley as long as 6 months after the onset of bells palsy. but how long would a...
  16. H

    Need some recipes for honey facial mask?

    Questions in the title, I want to make a facial mask with honey, Not sure how.
  17. S

    oxygen therapy facial treatments?

    machines forsale
  18. J

    how can i get rid of several blackheads under my facial skin?

    they are all over my face and theres no spots on my face that are smooth, it always looks rough. i have many enlarged pores on my cheeks and i think they are spreading. what do u recommend
  19. W

    Any tips for adult facial eczema?

    I'm 20 and the eczema I've had round my mouth all my life has suddenly, over the last 6 months, gotten so much worse. It now covers my chin and neck and most of my cheeks. I've been to the doctor three times now, and the first time he just told me what I've always been told: diprobase, oilatum...
  20. R

    HELP!!!! ASAP!!!! Flaming Hot Facial Skin After Using Red face Paint, I have mild...

    ...acne? Well first of all I have mild acne on my face. Im taking Tetralysal 300 tablets and Adapalene Gel. I put on my face Snazaroo, Classic Colours red face paint. I then tried to take it off only a few mins later. The colour spread down my face though. So I rinsed my face a few times in...