
  1. J

    Christians: Do you have faith Unicorns don't exist?

    Or do reject the claim Unicorns exist? If you reject the claim Unicorns exist, then you would understand atheism isn't based on faith.
  2. T

    Fridays with Faith... CO-HOST Carl Feske and KIND NEIGHBORS - Apr 19,2013

    Join us each week on Fridays with Faith as we welcome "People We Believe In" as our SPECIAL GUESTS. We welcome back CARL FESKE as my CO-HOST for our KIND NEIGHBORS show from NHC Place in Cool Springs. CARL will introduce us to B. J. Markwitz and Lynn Chilton. B. J. was a chemist on "The...
  3. T

    Do you think Bill O'Reilly does a good job defending the Christian faith?

    Here's a video of him demonstrating the patience of Job: What do you think? Come on!! That was funny no matter what your faith.
  4. A

    Is Judaism a community of faith or a tribe of related individuals?

    Is Judaism considered (in your opinion) a community of faith, or a tribe of related individuals? I already have my opinion that's it's a community of faith. My girl-friend I know is an atheist, and doesn't keep kosher, but she goes to my Jewish school and goes to the prayer service still, and is...
  5. A

    These Two Teenage TED Talk Stars Will Restore Your Faith In The Next Generation

    The TED conference is an annual gathering to share and celebrate "Ideas worth spreading." It has heard luminaries and forces of nature such as Jane Goodall, Malcolm Gladwell, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and President Bill Clinton. And now, let's add two more names to that illustrious list. You...
  6. J

    Why does god want us to have faith he exists?

    Why couldn't he just design us to know he exists?
  7. G

    Are the Palestinians tolerant of other faith systems or religious bigot like Saudi

    Arabia? I'm a Pagan and wish to travel Gaza. Will I be safe there?
  8. T

    Why do haters of faith come in here to rant and mock the faithful, and God, if

    they don't believe in Him? Is that a sign of their insecurities? They come in here ranting and raving about christians and their way of life, crying over hell and a God they do not believe in. This does not seem to be logical, or rational. why do they concern with God they don't believe in Him...
  9. T

    Why do haters of faith come in here to rant and mock the faithful, and God, if...

    ...they don't believe in Him? Is that a sign of their insecurities? They come in here ranting and raving about christians and their way of life, crying over hell and a God they do not believe in. This does not seem to be logical, or rational. why do they concern with God they don't believe in...
  10. T

    The Biz With D : Interview W/ Faith Evans + Young Chris + TC - Jan 17,2013

    Multi-platinum Grammy Award winning recording artist. New York Times best-selling author. Wife. Mother. Entrepreneur. With so many hats to be worn, it is undeniable that Faith Renée Evans has a little something for everyone. What has been an equally rewarding and trying career, ask her how she's...
  11. S

    Christianity - Faith in God, Jesus Christ - Christian Living, Trivia?

    Salaam Alaikum dear all. ALLAH (The Most High) has sent Prophets throughout the ages. Prophets have come to all lands. The mission of the Prophets who came before Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) was limited. They were all national Prophets and they guided the community among whom they were raised...
  12. T

    Please justify your faith in Christ by explaining the following...?

    Before I start, I should ask a favor: please don't tell me I'm going to hell, or that we can't know, because God's ways are above our ways, or that I would understand if I were a Christian, etc. Just don't waste your time. And above all else, please do NOT use the Bible to support your view on...
  13. 1

    Atheists, you need faith in Jesus Christ.?

    Atheists don’t believe in God because they don’t have faith or trust in Him to be witnesses of His miracles and announce their testimony. Yet they believe there is no evidence of first eye witnesses. Don’t let your doubt prevent you from trusting in Jesus Christ. Once a car fell on me, it...
  14. E

    Science and faith

    Allah Almighty gave many graces for His creatures, even in the deep oceans, let us read and glorify God .... When Prophet Moses went to the pharaoh calling him to believe in Allah, the pharaoh asked him who is Allah. Then Moses replied: (Our Lord is He who gave to each thing its form and...
  15. N

    American Literature Theme: Faith?

    I have a school project where we must find 3 books (2 novels and a short story rather) with a specific theme. The theme I wanted to do was faith. However, I am not looking for your typical novel about faith, but a deeper look at it, where faith is almost a way for people to delude themselves...
  16. S

    What does judaism say about having faith in God and prayer?

    I am not a jewish but I want to know your position about faith in God, because christians say these words from the new testament The NKJV of the Bible says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1). and they say about this topic of...
  17. R

    Christians, is your religion fact or faith?

    Some of you claim to have evidence for the existence of god and jesus, well if that is true, then your religion would be factual not faith based. But if you don't have any evidence (which you don't have any) then your religion is faith based. So which is it? It cannot be both. And if its faith...
  18. F

    The only proof Christians have is their Bible and their faith, why if there is zero

    evidence? for what they believe in? ZERO, ZILCH, NADA proof for the existence of a deity.....
  19. N

    Does learning more about your religion makes u loose faith or its just... muslims only plz? i am a muslim teen who used to be religious but i feel like i am loosing faith and i keep on asking questions that lead me to more confusion. I feel like the more i wanna learn about my religion i get lost. i want to be religious again like i used to be plz help...
  20. S

    Why, in the Christian faith, is wine good but cannabis bad?

    Why, in the christian faith, is wine good but cannabis bad? cannabis has been proven to be less harmful then alcohol and the human body has been found to produce something similar to the chemical in cannabis that gets you high. the bible also doesn't explicitly say anything regarding the...