
  1. A

    If You Pledge To Quit Photoshopping, Maybe You Shouldn’t Point Out The Model’s Flaws

    In some ways, Photoshopping has made our lives better. I know that I use it when I notice a blemish in one of my hundreds of “selfies,” and immediately reach for the magic wand. You can’t post a photo of you rocking a zit on Instagram unless, of course, you have named that zit, and accepted it...
  2. A

    If perfection has no f-laws is that why we should leave doctrinal laws to go on unto

    perfection in Hebrews 6? Hebrews 6 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection
  3. M

    Fellow Christians, how many flaws are there in this rant about us by Bill Maher?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAvDtPz33w0 I stopped counting after a few minutes, but there are a lot of logical fallacies in this rant. What imperfections can you identify in it? EDIT: Sorry for the delay, Zebra. I do occasionally tear myself from answers to attend to other matters. Billy did...
  4. L

    My character has more flaws than good qualities?

    I've been making a few characters, and I want to make them believable... But so far, my first character has more flaws than good qualities? I try to balance them out, and make him believable...But ugh, I don't know. Does he sound believable, or just plain annoying? And how can I balance this...
  5. D

    Why do I only notice the flaws in new guys I meet ?

    I cannot control this it is weird to explain , when I tend to meet a new guy and I find him cute and stuff I can't help but look for flaws to just end it with them when I actually kind of want to be with them. It is like I find reasons to not date them ? It is stupid but I cannot help it. What...
  6. S

    have you noticed how in the sexual marketplace, the physical flaws of women

    are overlooked while there is? pressure on men to be perfect? its such a taboo to talk in such shallow terms but thats the truth. a woman can be short, bit chubby, have an average face, but her flaws dont matter. but men have to be relatively attractive to just begin trying. there is all...
  7. M

    Concealer: Hide your flaws like a pro

    [No message]
  8. B

    What are flaws about the movie For Colored Girls?

    I have to do a movie review for a movie of my choice. I was not a fan of that movie. Even if you liked For Colored Girls or not, what were bad things about the movie. I want to do a review saying the movie was not all that great.
  9. S

    Flaws For LG Rumor Touch.?

    I Was Thinking Of Buying The LG Rumor Touch, But Was Curious If It Had Any Flaws, Whether It Be A Minor Flaw Or A Huge Flaw
  10. K

    is the blackberry curve 8530 a goood phone ? Owners: any flaws ?

    i wantt it in smoky violet(: the touchpad looookss kinda confusingg though ? if any of you own one or know about it what are the flaws if any ? how is it overall ? thaankss(:
  11. M

    Did anyone else noticed the several flaws that I pointed out with Medusa?

    I just watched "Clash of the Titans" on the big screen a few days ago and I noticed a few things. 1) Persius should not have to worry about being turned to stone because he was half god. Being half god, this means he should have had enough godliness in him to withstand a curse that Athena was...
  12. D

    Is anyone willing to point out a few flaws in my piece of writing?

    I am looking to improve my writing. I believe I can write, but I can improve and I need to improve. My grammar is not the best and I need to work on it. Anyone willing to help me? I wrote this little thing here and I need someone, or some people, to point out any flaws they see in it so I can...
  13. D

    Is anyone willing to point out a few flaws in my piece of writing?

    I am looking to improve my writing. I believe I can write, but I can improve and I need to improve. My grammar is not the best and I need to work on it. Anyone willing to help me? I wrote this little thing here and I need someone, or some people, to point out any flaws they see in it so I can...
  14. Z

    Motorola Droid Flaws?

    So I got the Droid a week after it came out. I love my phone.. But like any other phone...there are some flaws. So if you have a Droid too, let me know if you have the similar problems that I am about to list below. 1. When on call with someone, you put the phone to your ear, the screen blacks...
  15. S

    Why are fundamental and Basic flaws in Bible swiftly overlooked while arguing...

    ...with an educated person? Using a circular argument, believers say that because the Bible is without error or inconsistency, it must be the work of God, and because it is the work of God, it must be without error or inconsistency. It seems not to matter which proposition comes first, the other...
  16. R

    Why is it that Muslims dont question the flaws in their religion?

    I know this is the wrong category but I also know this is the category that all of the muslims use so I thought I'd get a better response. I'm Christian and I think Islam is the wrong religion (it has some nice ideas partly because it shares alot of heritage with christianity as both were built...
  17. I

    What is a good dvd player for playing back dvds with flaws?

    I have been burning some of my dvds that were a tad scratched and noticed that on two of my dvd players (one that has experienced other problems, and one that is 4-5 years old) that the new, burned copies have little glitches. They are nothing major, just little hiccups 3-4 times on a few of my...
  18. G

    5-Row QWERTY Jailbreak App Fixes One of the iPhone Keyboard's Most Annoying Flaws [IP

    Sometimes it's the little things. This simple jailbreak app adds a fifth row to the iPhone's soft keyboard, giving access to numbers without the sub-menu. And symbols are easier to type too. Hitting shift will change the new fifth row of numbers to their symbol equivalent, giving you quicker...
  19. C

    Dear Christians: Please state some flaws or contradiction in your religion.?

    I would love to see how many of you have the guts to state some of the obvious contradictions.
  20. M

    Do you ever notice flaws in movies?

    Have you ever noticed a part of a movie when they show a different part of the scene where you notice a wardrobe malfunction or something weird. Two Examples: I was watching Happy Gilmore and when he takes the putt hes wearing orange shirt and gray pants, and during the little scene hes...