
  1. B

    Where can I find a beige citroen cx prestige foot rests and head rests?

    Do you have any beige/tan color of the cx rear removable footrests and both front and rear headrests?
  2. S

    how to calculate cubic foot of sub box.?

    ok so i know its HxLxD but what about when the box is angled. bottom and top are different. like boxes behind a truck seat. example: http://www.supercrewsound(dot)com/99F250ccbtstrip.html (replace (dot) with .) how can i calculate the cubic footage of a box like this when i make one.
  3. A

    Mountain Biking pain in the ball of my foot?

    when I am climing on my mountain bike my toes go numb and I get a sharp pain in the ball of my foot, I have loosen my shoes, moved my clips forward and back. Any other suggestion, it hurts most during long sustained climbs. It's my right foot if thats any help Thanks
  4. M

    should i buy a sector 9 shattered sidewinder or sector 9 mama say? im 6 foot and

    205lbs ... cruising/ travel? should i buy a sector 9 shattered sidewinder or sector 9 mama say? im 6 foot and 205lbs ... cruising/ travel for small flat college campus as well...
  5. J

    Where can I buy for a Sony Home Theater a 10 foot long 17 pin HCD-541 System Cord...

    ...Part #17775201? I have checked with Sony and the original part number was 983126967 and was changed to 177752011. This home theatre system is about 12 years old. It looks and sounds good. It is a component unit that the tape player etc. sets on top of the woofer unless you can get an...
  6. H

    My 15 month old son is not walking yet. He cruises with one foot flat on the...

    ...floor, but tip toe on the other.? Should I be concerned?
  7. U

    Swollen right foot and swollen finger on right hand painful

    I have recently had a painful middle Finger on my right hand now and again the pain Is too much the next min my finger has swelled Up. My right knee has been swollen to but not painful But now my right foot is swollen up. Nothing Like this happening on the left what's up With me ??? :(((
  8. B

    whats wrong with my foot please help?

    about a year ago i had my first ankle injury i fell down some stairs landing full force on my ankle but it was twisted i went to the doctors because i coulnt walk on it at all and he did xrays and nothing showed up so told me to ice it keep of it and so on. about 5 months ago i rolled my ankle...
  9. C

    Painful lump under pinky toe on left foot?

    I've had a painful lump under my pinky toe on my left foot for about a week, I only seemed to notice it after buying some cheap socks from eBay. I can't see anything where the lump is, I also wash my feet everyday.
  10. B

    I may have injured my foot when doing calf raises at the gym. Is it ok to run...

    ...or do sports? I have mild pain to the top side of my foot right where the "knuckle" or top of the arch is. I think it's due to lifting too much while doing calf raises. It doesn't hurt to walk but when I stretch my foot or when I'm sitting still I feel some mild pain. Should I avoid...
  11. W

    shattered bone in foot?

    i woke up with extreme pain in my foot 18th june 2011, went to casualty 19th june 2011. i was told there and then i had shattered the sesamoid bone in my right foot , i was given a tubi grip and some xtra strength nurofen. Its now 16th september 2011 and everyday im still in agony, ive been back...
  12. G

    Look Out, Hoaxers, The Rock Wants to Put a Dead Foot Up Your Ass

    Here we go again. Just when things settle in the Twitterverse, another celebrity faux-bites the dust. So which star suffered an ill fate via Twitter this go-round?* None...
  13. T

    Bad pain in foot in soccer?

    Okay so whenever I play soccer and shoot the ball my planting foot while hurt really bad and it's not the whole foot just the outside of it. Note that i do have flat feet and I wear insoles so I don't know what is wrong.. I know I have a habit when shooting my planting foot is not straight which...
  14. N

    I'm a 5 foot 10 140 pound freshman 6% bf and I really want to make it onto the...

    ...varsity 8 crew for rowing? I have no previous rowing experience but I am quite lean and my 10 km run times are sub 40 min- if that actually helps anything. Should I just try to bulk up if I want to be competitive with the big boys?
  15. M

    why do i keep dreaming i'm shorter than everyone, when im actually 6 foot 3?

    i've been having the same dream about every other day for the past 3 weeks or so... does ANYONE possibly know what this means??? i get shorter and shorter in every dream.
  16. J

    I've got water leaking into the drivers foot well of my Vauxhall/opel corsa C...

    ...(2005), where is it coming from? There is literally puddles if theres been a heavy rainfall the night before. The water is soaking the drivers floor and rear drivers seat and I've got no idea where its coming from? Any one got any ideas how its getting in? - yes all windows are shut! ps im...
  17. S

    POLL: how long will it take global warming to melt a foot and a half of snowM?

    I don't feel like shoveling.
  18. S

    My Suzuki Alto stops when i remove my foot from accelerator. Whats the problem?

    I have a used 2001 Alto which has CNG fitted by Aftermarket kits shop.Now i sometimes experience this problem that whenever i release my foot from the accelerator it shuts down,so i have to keep my foot on the accelerator all the time and use Heel-and-toe technique in this situation.Whats the...
  19. V

    do you think my dirt bike is to big? it is a kx250F and i am 13 and 5 foot 6 or 7...

    ...idk.? this bike goes 75-80 mph and it is a 4 stroke monster energy.
  20. K

    What is wrong with my foot?

    I have this spot on the top of my foot that gets hot from time to time. Its just that spot, the rest of it is cold. What could it be? -I'm not diabetic.