
  1. M

    how to upgrade a jailbroken/unlocked iphone 3gs form firmware 3.0 to 3.1.3?

    I have an Iphone 3gs which is jb/uL. The firmware is the original 3.0. i would like to upgrade it to 3.1.3 and keep the jb/uL features. Please advise accordingly.
  2. K

    how much to ship a bike form portland oregan to dublin is airfrieght cheaper?

    how muuh would it cost to ship a motorbike from portland oregan to dublin ?,,would airfreight be cheaper ?
  3. L

    USCIS form I-90 asks for date of admission, which date do I use?

    On back of my card there are 2 dates. One says 'adm/adj date' the other says 'temp res adj date' which do I use?
  4. A

    Do you think religion will always exist in some form or another?

    People like to talk about how atheism is growing.But the statistics I've seen said that agnostics and non-religious people were grouped in with atheists in the poles. Do you think religion will always exist in some point?Like doctrine based Christianity and Islam will be replaced by more...
  5. G

    Death By Execution: Which States Do What Form of Capital Punishment? [Capital Punishm

    Capital punishment. Sends a chill down your spine, doesn't it? Hopefully none of our readers will ever see first-hand the following methods of execution in the following states of the US. More » Capital punishment - Crime and Justice - Death Penalty - Supporting Views -...
  6. M

    What is the Porsche form transformers 2 that gets cut up?

    I woul love to know so i can go and get one :) such a sexy car!
  7. S

    CHRISTIANS when was the English form for the name of the son of God (Jesus)

    first used? And did you know that there is no letter "J" (as in J-ehovah or J-esus) in Hebrew? Does it bother you that Jesus (like Jehovah) is not the "correct" form of the name of God's Son or are "Jehovah" and "Jesus" acceptable forms to use (even though they are not "accurate")? Thank you...
  8. E

    Can nicotine break down collagen production in the form of nicotine gum?

    YOU NEED NOT INC. CIGARETTES --I QUIT SEVERAL YRS. AGO I'm asking about NICOTINE GUM [like nicorette etc.] in REGARDS TO BEING HARMFUL TO COLLAGEN PRODUCTION IN ONES SKIN, thx pls explain, thanks THERE WERE 2 ppl online who claimed nicorette gum "had aged them" after a few months or less of...
  9. R

    I downloaded games from torrents. When extracted, they form a .iso image. It

    says copyright protection info? I downloaded final fantasy 8 from torrents. When transfered, they form a .iso image. It says copyright protection info is invalaid. how do i fix?
  10. G

    Rare endemic form

    Read the comments on this post... More...
  11. T

    what is the most untracable form of murder?

    ok this is just a test of yahoo's creativity. i just want to see how intelligent, and evil yahoo really is. so guys, girls, and whatever else might be on yahoo, tell me what you think is the best way to murder someone without being caught. winner gets 1800 (thats right eighteen hundred)...
  12. V

    So are Arrancars higher form of Vasto Lordes or vice versa? Evolved form maybe?...

    ...ARRRGH!? At first I assumed that they we're the same class with different names (like menos class also being Adjucas), but many say they're completely different in class. Now I'm lead to believe the hogyoku causes the hollowfication from Vasto to Arrancar (like Vizards kind of) ok. However...
  13. K

    who's that shota character form final fantasy?

    I saw a picture of a final fantasy shota (not hentai or anything)on a img board, but I don;t remember his name. I think he was a prince or something, and had blonde
  14. M

    Is there anyone who dreams in story arc form?

    Every night dreaming a continuation of the dream the night before. Like living two lives specific, switching back between the two every night and morning. I don't, I was just wondering if this occurs. If anyone does, how do you know if your awake or dreaming? Is going to sleep really waking up...
  15. G

    why do my cds burn in cdrom form ?

    It dose on windows media player every time
  16. S

    what are some great breakfast recipes you can make with acai (in powder form)?

    i love making acai bowls! they are so so so yummy and was wondering if there are other great recipes with powder acai.
  17. S

    what are some great breakfast recipes you can make with acai (in powder form)?

    i love making acai bowls! they are so so so yummy and was wondering if there are other great recipes with powder acai.
  18. T

    how to create a contact form that pops up? (dreamweaver newbie)?

    Hello! I'm very NEW to web designing. Im trying to design my own webpage and need to know the following (keeping in mind, i'm NEW to coding, html, etc. I need step by step instructions.) 1) I would like my contact form to pop up once the person clicks on "Click here" (I have already created a...
  19. A

    is tang soo do a form of karate?

    i just want to know
  20. M

    is it possible to block a number form your cellphone?

    if so, then how??? i just really want to know. :)