Q1: Will Latinos try to return to Mexico (whose peso is backed by increasing gold reserves as their govt trades its oil for gold)?
Q2: Will they be stopped at the border as the Mexican govt refuses to take on the burden of (official est) 40 to 60 million illegals and their descendants (kids...
My blackberry bold isn't working. Whenever I restart it it just freezes and sometimes turns off. Or gets stuck on the screen where it shows the clock. Please help I really don't know what to do. I took the battery out tons of times
I know its a silly question cause it should be on the package right? No we got ours in a normal bag, without instructions, they look like the ones you would buy at a store in the junk food isle... I need to know the temp and how long please!!!
Something you would find in the frozen junk food...
Virginia health officials have just announced that the "Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Berry Blend" sold under the Harris Teeter brand, could be the cause of the outbreak of hepatitis A infections. The Virginia Department of Health, along with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and...
I tried to restore the factory settings on my jailbroken iphone but now its frozen & my power button is broken so I dont know what I can do now to reset it..........
I have this really fun game I downloaded but it just randomly froze. I tried exiting out and loading it back on, but it still opened up frozen.
Please help!
My ipad is stuck on the charge screen and the apple logo screen and wont turn on. i have tried holding the power and the home buttons but it has no effect and i have searched everywhere for answers to the problem i am having
All the guides I can find online say that cooked turkey can last in the fridge for 3-4 days, and if you want to keep it longer, it can keep frozen for a few months.
My question is, after you thaw the frozen turkey, does it "reset" how long it will last in the fridge?
EX: I keep cooked turkey...
I have a HTC sense which i recently brought. yesterday it said that i needed to restart the phoNe or something along those lines. so i restarted it and took my memory card out, since then my phone is frozen on the white htc screen
i have also taken the battery out, kept it switched off and...
Im going to the zoo and my daughter will only eat chicken nuggets if i cook the frozen chicken nuggets before i leave at 10am how long will they be good for?
I have two tanks set up, one with a female betta another with danios, a gourami, swordtails and a balloon molly. I bought some tubifex for them but the danios & betta seem to be the only ones who like it? My gourami won't eat it at all, the others don't really seem keen.
Are there any specific...
I have two tanks set up, one with a female betta another with danios, a gourami, swordtails and a balloon molly. I bought some tubifex for them but the danios & betta seem to be the only ones who like it? My gourami won't eat it at all, the others don't really seem keen.
Are there any specific...
I know that the Frozen Planet DVD is released in Canada in April but wondered if it's already out in the States or if I could buy it in the UK region free?
Any comments appreciated. Cheers